Raspberry Pi 4 - What to chose for Zigbee and Zwave


I’m completely new to Home Assistant. I have just got a Rasperry Pi 4 - and are now looking for a Zigbee and a Zwave controller. But what should I choose? Anything I should take into consideration?`

There are mentioned some Zigbee https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha/ and Z/wave controllers https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/controllers/ - but which one to choose?

I can recommend the Conbee stick with DeConz for ZigBee and the Aeotec Gen 5 Stick for Z-Wave.

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Regarding Z-Wave and RPi4: https://alerts.home-assistant.io/#zwave_pi4_aeotec.markdown

For Z-Wave it doesn’t matter. Any Z-Wave Plus stick is functionally (as far as HA and the Z-Wave devices are concerned) identical to any other.

I’d pick whatever is cheap and available :wink:

For ZHA the Conbee II is probably the simplest as it’ll work without having to worry about firmware versions.

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Ohh didn’t know that, thanks for the pointer. I use an Intel NUC so don’t know about the Pi.
Could you not just connect the stick to an USB 2.0 extension cable or put it into the USB 2.0 port directly?

Read the article the alert links to :wink: An extension cable won’t help.

Also check out this thread:

I’ll plug the HUSBZB-1 again; both Zigbee and Z-Wave in one USB stick. Zero problems to date, and I’ve been using the Zigbee side since May of this year.

In all fairness, everyone says good things about the Conbee, too. So you have two recommended options to choose from.


+1 for the HUSBZB-1. I’m using the same stick and have had no issues.