Getting ready to pull the trigger on a PI and USB Zwave device. My question is not necessary the “best” zwave stick, but what is the most popular around this forum? My thinking is it would be the easiest to asked questions. My goal is to intergreat AlarmDecoder with my alarm panel and migrate my zwave devices from my Almond+.
While I am add it, any cool sources for hardware?
Pretty sure most of us use the Aeotec Gen 5 on the Pi.
Ditto here.
Thanks guys, any good sources?
Googled and Aeon Lab on Amazon is about $45 delivered.
Will a PI zero work for hardware? I thinking since it will be powered with a brick, why not the PI 3+. Some day might add a touch screen, but more likely will use some cheap tablet for a keypad. Again, just thinking out loud.
This might look like a configuration question, but it due diligence on hardware. Does (not how) the new PI HASS image support Aeon Z-Stick off the shelf?
One last question, how long has the Gen 5 been out? Should I wait for the next release? Right now I have a lot on my plate and I am just gathering parts. My Almond+ is running ok for now, so I not in a big hurry, but I can segment my systems enough for the time being to move a few devices, so I thought I would start the process of getting hardware in the mean time?
If you’re aiming for setup similar to those on the forum, go for the Pi3. Reasonably priced and beefy enough to run a lot of other things on the same Pi.
Not sure about your other questions - I’m running All-in-one on top of Jessie (started with HA pre-Hassbian).
I would stick with the Pi3. The Pi Zero only has 1 USB port and it would require an adapter to work with the microUSB port. It also gives you the option to use either wired or wireless ethernet. As for the OS, I installed the stock Rasbian via NOOB and then ran the All-in-one installer for HA. Highly recommended as it takes care of compiling and installing all of the Z-Wave requisites.
I have been playing with HA for about 6-7 month. Last week I reinstalled on RPI3 , using the Python VirtualEnv method, as the AIO installer was broke. I installed Homebridge with he HA addon, as well as mqtt-bridge for smarththings. All my zwave device are on the smarththings hub and I used mqtt as a go between. I too am looking at dropping smarththing springing for a Zwave Stick and moving it all over.