Raspberry Pi Bootlooping after update

Hello, I am running home assistant on my raspberry Pi 4 Model B. Yesterday I updated the Home Assistant core from my phone and closed the tab. Later that day I noticed my Pi was boot looping. When I plugged it into a screen I got this log among others I have tried changing the power adapter & cable to no avail.

Card did not respond to voltage select! : -

Seems your SDCard broke.

This is the second time in two months and it’s becoming incredibly frustrating how unstable this software is.
Is there anyway to rescue the data or repair the sd card, because I want to avoid having to setup my installation from scratch again. I have a windows computer though might be able to install a linux dual boot.

Linux Reader is free, and you can read the Linux partitions with it on Windows

There is a similar discussion about ‘Card did not respond to voltage select!’ here:

It’s not the software - it’s more likely a hardware issue.

  • What power supply are you using?
  • Are your sd cards of decent quality? (i.e. not fake cheap ones)
  • Any reason why you haven’t switched to using an ssd on the pi?

I am using a phone charger & adapter. It has worked fine untill now. I swapped it out for a better phone charger power supply and different cable and it didnt fix the problem.

My SD Card is a Toshiba 32GB card. I’d never really considered using an SSD. Would it be possible to transfer my data over to an SSD?

Which application class?

“Working fine until now” is exactly the problem with phone chargers. They are unreliable and provide some pretty wild power swings. It is always recommended to use a quality 5V power adapter for the rPi. Especially if you want to go the SSD route. You need to make sure both the rPi and the drive receive adequate power without power swings.

Yup. You can copy over the /config folder off your existing SD card to the new SSD.

Check the amperage your phone charger gives out. RPi4 needs around 2.5-3A to run stably. Anything which cannot provide that amperage constantly will lead to “under voltage detected” warnings in the Host logs, and eventual failure.

Best thing you can do is try to buy a power supply made for the Pi5 (this one). It gives out 5A, and you’ll need the extra overhead if you intend to use an SSD.

As for transferring data over, it’s as simple as downloading a current backup, then restoring this after a fresh installation. This guide has a step by step as well as links to known compatible SSDs.

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