Raspberry PI Cover - Garage Door

Hi There,

I’ve been running and testing andrewshilliday/garage-door-controller with no issues and it shows the door status correctly as closed or opened, also I am able to open and close the garage door using the web application with no problems.
Using the cover component in HA shows the door as open when is closed and vice-versa. Is there s solution for this issue? Can I do something at the configuration level to “force” the status as closed when is closed?

Add the state pull mode and make it down.

Sorry, that does not fix the issue. The door still showing the opposite state in HA and the right state in the web APP.

And in HA:

I’ve asked them same question under feature request… I believe there is no fix… I wish you could invert both pin state and pin relay individually… I wonder if you can edit the GPIO.py it self