Raspberry Pi or Other OS Install

Installed HA on RP4. New to this all but motivated by NOT using big brand home automation.

After realizing HA on RP4 is stored on a micro-sd card I’m concerned about stability because of corruption issues inherent in SD cards - mainly in the situation like unforeseen sudden power downs/power restorations due to weather, etc.

Question is: Is it better to run Home Assistant on another platform where corruption issues related to SD cards won’t be an issue (and what would you recommend)?


Are there methods to ensure work done in setting up and modifying my HA install on RP4 to reduce chances of these types of problems and in quickly restoring everything, etc.

The answer is yes, but you can also run rpi on an ssd or external hard drive.

For the moment you have to boot from sd, but / can be on external drive.