Raspberry Pi Power Supply

Hi !!!
I am using Raspberry Pi Power of HACS.
I need to change somewhere - platform: rpi_power to binary_sensor.
Where and how to change.

It’s massage of system.

Invalid config

The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:

*** rpi_power.binary_sensor**

Please check your config.

Hi !
there is a breaking change with the latest version.
Have you followed this : https://github.com/custom-components/sensor.rpi_power#breaking-change-this-project-went-from-sensor-to-binary_sensor ?

I am using Pi 3b with standard Pi lsu but am getting under voltage errors. Would substiting Anker USB C Charger, 60W PIQ 3.0… https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07QKSX231?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share help?