i’m new to home assistant and want to use it on my RaspberryPi5 with Ubuntu Server 24.10.
What is the best way to install it?
If i use HA container with docker, is it possible to install addons? Where do i find them?
I also tried to run HA OS as a KVM, but i didn’t get it running.
Is it possible to install HA Supervised and still use other docker containers?
What are my best options here?
I need to use the RaspberryPi5 for other things too, not just for home assistant.
No. But add-ons are just managed containerised applications. You can find the containers most of them are based on over on Dockerhub.
No. No other software can be run. Supervised is a trap. It has the most restrictive requirements and you can only run it on Debian, no derivatives (like Ubuntu).