Rasperry Pi with Aeon Z-Stick as secondary controller

I would like to setup home assistant on the raspberry pi, wich Aeon Z-Stick as secondary controller, while smarthings remainst the primary. I added Z-Stick as secondary controller using a desktop software.

I managed to get home assistant running and also have a few switches that show up.
However, all newly added z-wave nodes show up in Smarthings but not in home assistant.

Any idea on what the problem could be?

Thanks, Tobias

Were you able to get any zwave devices to show up in home assistant using the zwave stick?

If you have, then I’d try pairing them again and verify using the zwave control panel that they show up there first.

If you haven’t been able to get any zwave devices to show up in home assistant make sure you used the AIO installer and not the raspberry pi image. I had the same issue and wasn’t able to get zwave working until redoing it with the AIO setup instructions.