RasPi GPIO value_high per pin?

I can alter the value_high and value_low for all inputs like this:

- platform: rpi_gpio
    02: Smoke_Rumpus 
    03: Smoke_Hall
    14: Smoke_Lounge
    15: PIR_MasterBedroom
    17: PIR_Lounge
    18: PIR_Dining
    27: PIR_Study
    22: PIR_Laundry
    23: PIR_SpareBedroom
    24: PIR_Entry
    10: PIR_Rumpus
    09: PIR_Workshop
    05: Doorbell
    06: RFID_Valid
    19: Mailbox
  value_high: "Alarm"
  value_low: "Clear"

but for the life of me I can not work out how to do this on a per-pin basis (so that some inputs have different high/low state types).Is it actually possible?

Found what I needed here: https://home-assistant.io/components/binary_sensor/