although this isn’t entirely about Homeassistant, it’s more of a rant for my own sanity.
so I have a Raspberry Pi with a 7" display running HS in Kiosk but the WiFi in my home is diabolical so I decided running some new cat6 in a few locations throughout my home was the way forward for now (Cost wise)
having not done it before I did my usual Google search to find a pinout for the rj45 connectors… done
ran all the cables under the floor/inside the walls. installed wall patress boxes…done
connected all the rj45 connectors following the image I found… done
I thought wow this was easy only to find I had no Internet connection to any wall plate. I must have re terminated the rj45 connectors about 100 times even convinced myself that maybe the connectors were cheap and not upto the job so I purchased different connectors and a new crimping tool, which in itself was hard to convince my wife that it was a needed purchase!
still no luck, 3 days of trying and my cable runs getting dangerously shorter I worked out that the pinout picture I found was taken from a video and somehow flipped!
I was so happy when I flipped all the wires the opposite way round everything worked.
I can laugh now but I’ve learnt a very valuable lesson don’t refer to just one guide as fact.