Raspi PI local and remote temp sensors (at the same time)

I have hass installed on a PI 4 and it works well! This PI also has several dallas 1-wire temp sensors which are all available to hass. I also have another PI with some more temp sensors which I can read by putting the host option in the configuration.yaml file. My problem is I cant seem to configure it to do both at the same time! Is this possible? can any one suggest the best way to do this?

Anyone have any ideas?

Maybe show your configuration.

Yes sorry meant to include it!!!

So this is the config file I am using:


  • platform: onewire
    28-0315a71064ff: Tank
    28-0315a71281ff: Roof
    28-0115505c46ff: Middle
    28-0115504a99ff: Bottom
    28-011550dca4ff: Immersion
    28-0315502c89ff: Heat-Sinc