Raspi4B+Rasbee+deCONZ doesn't work

Having problems with Raspi4B+Rasbee+Aqara (Hassio+deconz). I think my GW is running, but somehow in a quirky mode, the Rasbee doesn’t find the Aqara temp+humidity sensors (they turn on, I can see their lights etc)… logs here: https://pastebin.com/DLybD2U4

I’ve SSHd into hassio and checked that the rasbee is seen under /dev/ttyAMA0 – I can launch deCONZ but it won’t find anything. I’ve also VNCd into the deCONZ own login app but even that won’t Connect the RaspBee after clicking Connect. Out of ideas on what to try out or debug. Anything would help!

VNC into deCONZ and nothing happens when clicking the button:

Dunno if relevant but the rasbee has a red light that’s constantly on…?

Hey :slight_smile:

Do you solved this problem? I have the same problem: can’t add any devices via the deCONZ App and can’t connect via VNC.

I deleted the deCONZ plugin and use the native ZHA component. So I can restart, update and add new devices without any trouble. \o/