I have a RaspiAudio Muse installed. All the entities work except for the audio. I can change the color of the LED and detect button presses on GP0 - all that’s really important is the audio output. The device has been added to Music Assistant as well as the Media dashboards. Neither the Radio, TTS nor Local Media will play.
Using WiFi I can see the Proto menu and use the various menu options. So network wise it is ok. Home assistant integration has found the Proto, but no audio from the speaker if a local mp3 file stored in HA is selected.
One other thing is not working on the Proto: airplay from my iPhone. It reports error ‘no connection possible to ESP32-AirPlay-5fef4’.
On the Raspiaudio forum I found an easy installation that does not use Squeezelite. That was succesfull in that the integration succeeded and I now have 3 entity’s in HA. One of that entity’s is the ESP Muse Proto onboard led that is now controllable from HA. So there is communication working, but sadly no audio.
I went from the ESPHome install with no sound to the Squeezebox lite that played through Bluetooth, back to ESPHome ( still with no sound) – I didn’t realize that Squeezeboxlite had been picked up by HA automatically until I went to the ESPhome the second time. Guess I’ll go back to squeezeboxlit to see if it works from HA. I sure wish they’d get it fixed.
I’ve reported to the raspiaudio guy’s and they confirm there is an issue not hearing audio if the firmware is ESP Home. Using Squeezelite should play audio while having the LMS activated in Home Assistant (did not test that jet).
They have sent a Muse Proto board to the HA developers for testing and hopefully fixing.
Check my steps in the RaspiAudio forum I mentioned above
The HA team were sent a test board but did not reported progress jet afaik.
My conclusion up to now: I can play a mp3 from the local file storage controlled by yaml code.
Using the HA media player from the Muse Proto entity in the front end: can only play a file from my NAS, not from the local file store.
TTS is not working on my instance, all though on Youtube i’ve seen it working at some people. If the browser is selected as player device then TTS works. I did not find time to check if on my instance TTS works using yaml code.
Same for me. Just flashed my Muse Lux with ESPHome Media Player and after that I adopted it in ESP Home as well. No TTS and it does not play local media. I can control the LED on and off.