RATGDO 2.5 Flashing

I just received my RATGDO board and have tried flashing with the ESPHome SW. The blue LED on the board briefly flashes when I plug in the USB cable and then stays off. The Web flashing tool states that no device is detected. I have tried 3 different cables with the same results.

My question is “Should the blue LED stay on?”


No. It comes on briefly then back off. This is normal.

I couldn’t get linux to connect and on my windows desktop it came up as unknown usb device

My windows laptop connected fine but

safari - not tested
Edge or whatever microsoft use - not work
Chrome - ok. Installed

I flashed and installed mine today. I failed with Linux and Chromium but was able to flash it with Chrome in macOS.

The browser should give you the option to connect to a USB serial device within the ESPhome flasher page.

After trying multiple USB cables I was able to successfully flash ESPhome and everything looks good. Next step is to wire it in to the main garage door opener.

Thanks to all for your responses and help.

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