Ratgdo - getting "collision detected, waiting to send packet' many times per second in log

Hi All -

I just got 3 ratgdos and have installed software on them, but haven’t installed them on my garage doors yet. HA recognizes them and they appear under the ESPHome page and in the devices/entities.

However, in looking at the log I get ‘collision detected, waiting to send packet’ many times per second. Can someone help me understand the cause of this and if it is a problem?


I believe mine did that as well until I connected it to the opener and it was able to sync properly.

Thanks. I will report back once I have connected it.

Passing along one lesson learned today… If you’re still seeing the “collision detected” error AFTER connecting the ratgdo to your opener, double check and then TRIPLE check your wiring versus the wiring guide.

:man_facepalming: First time, I failed to recognize that the v2 wiring diagram is shown from the “back” of the circuit board. This resulted in an esp8266 that wouldn’t even start up and connect to Wi-Fi. Second time I got myself turned around trying to mentally rotate the picture to match my installed location, and ended up with the wires being off by one pin, resulting in the “collision detected” message.

I’m getting the same error. I have it connected and have triple checked the wiring.

@jsmarion did you get the errors resolved?

I’m using this to connect the esp to the ratgdo. Could that be the issue?

Make sure you didn’t accidentally plug the esp board in upside down. That happens more than you would expect

@bdraco here is how I have my esp board mounted. The ports match what is on the shield. Is that correct?

I get the same issue, with or without the board connected to the opener.


@ccmcgeek Thanks for that. Have been traveling these last couple of weeks and have one more trip to do. I will install them after that and report back here.

@ryanth This is how they were preinstalled when delivered to me when I bought them w/ the ESP board.

I misinterpreted the instructions and thought that I didn’t need to solder if I used my own d1 mini. Once I soldered the d1 mini everything is working as expected.

You say you are seeing this with it connected to the gdo so are you powering it from your laptop out in the garage or is there a way to see the log entries remotely? Curious if mine is still doing it as I did see all those entries right after flashing and connecting to wifi.

Not OP but my ESPHome dashboard has a log button for each device that lets me view logs over wifi. When setting mine up I watched the logs on my phone.

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I had the same problem and was pulling my hair out until i got the manual and realised i needed to move the red wire from REF 1 to 0 the serial port… all working perfectly now.

Imagine that - like myself - just flashed ratgdo on a bare ESP8255 D1 mini and have the board just sitting on your desk to explore before you build the rest of the hardware (and go to the (cold) garage).
The communication with the serial bus connecting the opener and wall console is connected to two pins on the ESP chip (module). One as output (driving the open drain actively low against a current source in the opener) and another pin listening on the same wire.
Creating a loopback gets rid of this periodic message. May help for troubleshooting or tinkering.

If using the bare ESP module you may check which pins are actually used on the project you are using:

Output GDO Pin: GPIO2
Input GDO Pin: GPIO4

and short them together. As a safety precaution to avoid contention if you missed you may use something like 1kOhm resistor.

If you are dealing with fully assembled ratgdo board you may reach the same by pulling the “red” wire terminal high to 5V (supplying the board) through similar 1 kOhm resistor to help you testing your set-up at your desk.

Apologies for starting this thread and then ghosting it… Had a lot of personal stuff to deal with. At least others have got some use out of it.

Thought I’d share my experience after having connected them to the garage door openers - I no longer see the error messages.

Now I have some Linear gdos in another house, so waiting on some v2.5 ratgdos so I can control them w/ dry contact.

Thanks all!

I installed my ratdgo yesterday (hardware 2.5i, firmware 2024.3.0) via ESPHome and it works just fine, but it was logging open/close and light on/off status 2-3 times per second. I went into the device config (via ESPHome dashboard) and set the logger level to “INFO” so I’m no longer getting this deluge of status messages. (the events such as open/close are still logged). Now the log is quiet other than when something happens, and when I do open/close for instance I get 3-4 “discard incomplete packet” messages such as:

07:40:01 [W] [ratgdo_secplus1:262] [73986639] Discard incomplete packet: [39 …]
along with:
08:08:57|[W]|[component:232]|Component api took a long time for an operation (355 ms).
08:08:57|[W]|[component:233]|Components should block for at most 30 ms.

It’s just a warning, and does not affect the operation, but still I am curious.