Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

It could be either, but we’d be getting reports from others if it was on the HA side. I’d wager it’s on the alexa side. The code for that exposure hasn’t changed. So if Alexa made a change to the api, then it would need to be fixed on HA’s side. I personally don’t expose my garage doors to Alexa, so I can’t check for you.

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Looks like I am a victim of the Security 1.0 / Dumb wall panel issue. After installing Ratgdo it works half-assed. I can open the door, but do not get “opening” status, I can sometimes close the door, but often after clicking the button, the Ratgdo goes “unavailable” in Home Assistant. (The micro-controller is still strongly connected to the network and I can ping it during this time). After a few minutes, for not apparent reason the ratgdo becomes available in HA again, and then the door finally closes. But we are talking several minutes after I issue the command. Are my issues consistent with others that have a 1.0? Is there any other solution then giving the Chamberlain company another $60 for a new 889LM Wall Panel?

An easy answer is buy used… :slightly_smiling_face:

No doubt if I go that way, I will buy used. They are not many on eBay and the ones there are as much as a new product from Amazon. But before I spring for it, I sure would like to ensure that the issues I am having are truly due to my wall switch. Or is there a way around the issue. e.g. if I eliminate the wall switch can Ratgdo listen successfully? If so I will replace the wall switch with one of my extra remotes.

Seems easy to test.

Installed with ESPHome and everything seems to be working fine. Thanks a lot, @PaulWieland.

Quick question! Is there a way to add this slider button to the frontend? What card should I pick?


It would have been had I not pulled everything due to the door closing or opening by itself multiple minutes after the command is given. My garage ceiling outlets are 12 feet up. Yes, I should not have pulled everything, but I did. Thus why I am trying to confirm all my issues are going to be fixed by a new wall switch. Unfortunately I am seeing a lot of noise on Reddit that seems to indicate Paul’s security + v1.0 code may need to be refined a bit more.

I just installed two 2.5i boards and it couldn’t have been easier. Great job, @PaulWieland and @bdraco and others on building these devices and the seamless HA integration work. Today I happily dumped all MyQ stuff. Thank you!

As an aside, I did block the MyQ devices from phoning home and enabled logging on that firewall policy, because I don’t trust that company to not do some firmware update that causes issues with the ratgdo devices (imposing some new encryption scheme so you NEED the MyQ service to remotely control these). The logs show they are pretty chatty actually. If you haven’t blocked them on your outbound firewall policy, I’d recommend it.


I’m not sure on that, but they do seem consistent with wifi range issues. How is the wifi signal near your ratgdo? If weak you might need a range extender or to upgrade the esp board. There is an esp32 with antenna with better wifi range as well.


I did just read this part of your post

The micro-controller is still strongly connected to the network

But i would still double check for interference or other wifi issues

I am confident that my Wifi is strong. Full bars as one of the AP’s is only a few feet away. and I can have a ping -t going non-stop without a hiccup.

Before buying a new wall controller, what happens if you temporarily disconnect the existing one, but leave the ratgdo connected?

I would also check the wiring is firmly connected for everything.

Also, if using espfirmware, anything showing in the esp logs for the device?

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My next step will be to disconnect wall switch once I re-install it again. Just wish I hadn’t pulled it all down.

As this is a Security 1.0 opener with the purple/red learn button, I could not use the ESPHome firmware. I actually would prefer ESPHome as I have many other devices configured that way.

Looks like they are working on a security 1.0 esphome firmware, but not sure how long it will take. Github mentions odd issues with a certain wall controller as well. Could be what you are experiencing. I would monitor this issue for updates.


I bit the bullet and reinstalled my ratgdo 2.5 with the MQTT firmware but disconnected my Wall control completely and now my Garage Door and Ratgdo are behaving nicely.

So this confirms that my Wall control is complicit to the issue and a so-called “dumb” wall control. But that is not exactly correct. Beyond simply open/closing the garage My wall control had programing features, real time clock, temperature sensor and a motion detector which turned the light on whenever someone entered the garage. Yes, I can emulate these functions using other HA automations, sensors and devices. But I sure would like to have them all work again natively. I guess the question is for Paul to answer… Will future firmwares (either MQTT or ESPHome) allow the use of my particular wall control again, or do I need to do without and emulate the needed features in HA, or buy another Wall Control like a 889LM? And if I do buy a 889LM will it actually work? Or could the limitation/interference be something else entirely? Despite my questions and concerns, I am generally happy with what I see so far. Not complaining! :slightly_smiling_face:

I see some more comments just yesterday from Paul on this other github issue. There appears to be several issues on github related to esphome for security 1.0, and the one i linked earlier is now closed- this appears to be the active one now

It doesn’t look good for ever working properly with some wall controllers though as they send a constant stream of data, but don’t include door status. It appears the only solution is a new wall controller or using the dry contact firmware with adding open/close limit switches.

Does ratgdo work with Genie 2022 opener? The voltage from the opener to wall mount unit is 3.4v. Thanks

Ratgdo can work with Genie openers in dry contact mode.


From what I can tell the only thing it offers over other more conventional solutions is obstruction detection, but you need to add components to reduce the sensor voltage. You also need to add contact sensors or see if you can physically tie into the opener’s limit switches.

You do not get light or lock control, discreet open/close, door position, or motion detection.

As much as I think there is nothing better than ratgdo for Security+ 2 openers, I would probably look elsewhere for Genie.

@jerrm Thanks for the feedback! The reason that Ratgdo only works in dry contact mode is because the protocol is unknown? Or the opener only support dumb panel?

The protocol is known, it is only on and off and nothing else. So ratgdo cannot collect anything else.

So if you are using Genie, ratgdo would work, yes, but at this point, there is no real advantage using ratgdo vs any other dry contact solutions such Athom or Meross or refoss or Shelly or yolink or zwave or zigbee or all those white brand generic ones on Amazon.

= = = =
EDIT: To be clear, I should have said “click and no click” instead of “on and off” above.
So in a way, even a regular Genie remote clicker plus a Switchbot would work :slight_smile:

Obviously one would still need another sensor(s) to somehow detect the status of the door, we have options such as tilt sensor, contact sensor, limit switch, ultrasonic distance sensor, or even a camera watching the garage door.
(Well, an AI-assisted camera would be a fun project to help detect door status being open, closed, opening, closing, or opened for 10% or 50%

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Did it work for you on the 3 wire setup?

I just tried installing it and it doesn’t seem to be working. The obstruction sensor works fine but the light and door aren’t operational.

I color matches the (1) red (2) white and (3) black to the ratgdo RED, WHITE, and BLACK respectively and didn’t use the bypass.

Any ideas?

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