Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

It can detect door position, but may interfere with some “dumb” wall panel light and lock functions.

See footnote 4 on the feature matrix.

Perfect. thanks for the link!

another question: my wall panel is the [78LM]. according to that matrix this is a dumb panel and using the light button on it can cause issues. the button is going on this panel anyway so does it make sense to replace it with the 889LM panel for better compatibility with the ratgo?

My reading is the light and lock buttons won’t work, but otherwise won’t issues.

I’d try it as is first, you can always upgrade the panel later.

fair enough. thanks

Just installed my ratgdo and wanted to point out a small installation quirk that I don’t think has been noted. When I first connected my wall panel (an 888LM), the ratgdo status went haywire for several minutes (see snippet below).

During this time, I was unable to issue commands either (likely due to the status constantly flipping). After about 3-5 minutes, it settled down and started working correctly. I suspect that since the wall panel receives power over the same line that is used for data transmission, when the internal battery gets depleted, it spends more time sending power than data and confuses the ratgdo. Perhaps this is an incorrect assumption, but I also noticed that as soon as my wall panel stopped its low battery chirps, ratgdo started reporting status correctly and responded to all commands.

Mainly just a heads up in case anyone else comes across this and starts getting worried that something might be broken or incorrectly wired.

For the dry contact function of ratgdo, how do I wire this for a monetary contact botton? My garage is detached but the old garage doors/motors had dry relay contact that was wired back to the main house to a push botton (I assume momentary contact). The ratgdo has an open and close contact, but how would I wire this for a momentary contact?

I think you are asking this question: I have a Security+ 2.0 Garage Door Opener correctly working with a RATGDO. I see that the RATGDO offers dry-contact inputs to signal the door to open or close. I have old wiring from my detached garage to my house which only offers 2 wires. I want to use these to toggle the door open or closed.

If that is your question, the answer is: you need to edit the RATGDO firmware to enable this function. The easy way to do this is to install the ESPHome version of the firmware, then edit your new device .yaml file to add this at the bottom:

#custom modifcations using https://esphome.io/guides/configuration-types.html#extend
- id: !extend "${id_prefix}_dry_contact_open"
    - if:
          binary_sensor.is_on: ${id_prefix}_dry_contact_close
          - cover.toggle: ${id_prefix}_garage_door

The default code for the “dry contact open” sensor is to check if the “dry contact close” sensor is “off” (not connected to ground), then issue the command to open the door. This extra code will be added after that and check if the “dry contact close” sensor is “on” (connected to ground), then issue the "toggle" command, which “cycles through the states close/stop/open/stop”.

Then you need to wire you old button to the RATGDO’s “dry contact open” and “ground” connections, and also wire the “dry contact close” connection directly to the “ground” connection.

Make sense?

Does anybody know if Ratgdo is compatible with Linear branded garage door openers? Only thing I can notice is the obstruction sensors on this one run on 12VDC. I could reduce it however if the rest might work.

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Were you able to solve this? I’m having the same issue: the ratgdo can’t connect to my wifi about 9/10 times. If I keep restarting it, it’ll eventually connect. I’ve never had any issues with dozens of other devices on my network.

Received two Ratgdo boards yesterday and installation was simple and fast. Thank you!

But, now I have a security issue.

I use HA Cloud and the garage doors were exported to Alexa. I was able to open the garages without providing a PIN code. (When I used MyQ I had a PIN setup.)

I went into my Alexa app and noticed “Open by Voice” is disabled:

I’m surprised it allowed me to open the garage by voice. So, next I enabled Open by Voice and added a pin:

And it still doesn’t ask me for a pin.

These are all the “single” devices Alexa knows about:

Yes, I need to rename my devices. About half the time when I ask Alexa to open the Single Garage it can’t figure it out and finally just says “Playing Spotify”… Argh.

By the way, when I first added Ratgdo to HA and renamed the device HA asked if I want to rename entities, too. I said yes but the entity names didn’t get renamed. Is that because of MQTT?

You have the white wire in the wrong spot. Nothing should be going to that terminal on your garage door opener.

Edit, nevermind you have the 2.0 board which apparently needs that. Still seems odd that it needs that, I’d expect it to be attached to the ground for the wall button.

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Just received my 2.5i board. Total install time, 20 minutes including flashing. Fantastic!!!

I am not familiar with how to do the slider button depicted here. How is this done?

Just installed my 2.5i board and want to add my name to the long list of people saying THANK YOU to @PaulWieland, @bdraco (for the ESPHome firmware) and everyone else involved in this project! Installation took about 20 minutes (I was a bit OCD about the wiring or it would have gone quicker) and it worked perfectly on the first try.

This project represents everything I have ever hoped for (and a lot more) in a locally controlled garage opener. Totally local control, transparent to the OEM accessories, light control, motion detection (from the wall panel button), obstruction detection, open/close door to any position, see how many total openings (life to date, not just since ratgdo installed) there have been, average time to open/close, etc. Just fantastic.

@batwater - to see the slider, first mke sure you are flashed with the ESPHome firmware and not the original/MQTT firmware, then once you have discovered the ESPHome device and configured it, just open the device and select the door control. It shows up as a normal cover, so all cover automations work perfect with it.

Ratgdo Install (Small)

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Nice case. Did you print that? My boards are just hanging from a cable tie.

You can find the case here. And if you don’t have a 3D printer yourself, samwiseg0 does sell them in his Etsy shop.

It is recommended for anyone who hasn’t received their board yet not to print/buy your case until you know exactly which board you will have since Paul is regularly redesigning it and doesn’t ever keep the same dimensions. You could very easily end up with a case that doesn’t fit and have to make another one.

If you receive a board that is not yet supported, please contact samwiseg0 if you are able to help provide dimensions for a remake.


Can anyone with Alexa please test this with your garage?

My experience with MyQ is that Alexa would NOT let me open the garage until I enabled “Open by Voice.” It looks like Alexa knows it should prevent this (because it is offering up “Open by Voice”), so I assume this is problem with Alexa and not how the entity is being exposed to Alexa.

It’s a security issue, so really appreciate is someone else can test and see if it’s just my setup.


There’s nothing to test, make sure your cover has device_class: garage.

If that doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work for anyone with any garage cover.

:man_facepalming:!!! Thanks for the directional nudge. Started with the ESPHome firmware. I stoped at the integration level, hadn’t yet looked at the individual entities

It has the correct device class:

and the Alexa shows that, too. Plus it is offering the ability to enter a PIN.

But it’s not clear to me if the problem is Alexa or how the entity is exposed.

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