Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

Got it. Seems my wires were loose. Pulled them out, twisted them together with the wall control, reconnected and boom, started working.

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I have a PURPLE button (security 1.0) Liftmaster opener. The wall panel/button is the Liftmaster 398LM(lcd screen with time and temp). I have MQTT and HA working with my RATGDO, Security1.0 firmware.

With the 398LM CONNECTED, The door status is incorrectly reported. Software Open/Close button only works intermittently. But there is no opening, opened, closing, or closed status, just unknown and sometimes switches to open even though the door is closed. The open button is then grayed out. The light status and switch is the only thing that works right. The wall panel and the remotes seems to work normally.

Door status is reported to HA correctly from the RATGDO. And the buttons work great, so everything works right!

I am going to get a 889LM and see how it goes , although after reading the git issue above , sounds like folks who have purchased the 889LM panel for Security 1.0 systems have had problems with the door randomly opening?, I guess Ill find outā€¦

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Hi I did receive the ratgdo v2.5 control board with installation kit and did follow the installation steps it did install successfully but having issues connecting to wifi. whenever i give the network name and password it just ā€œtrying to connectā€. i also tried only the 2.4ghz network still no luck same issue. Can someone help me with this

Hi, I have some problems getting my ratgdo 2.5 running with my Chamberlain ML810EV garage opener. I connected the three required cables to red/1, white/2 and grey/3. Firmware is 2.56, protocol 2.0. The entity shows up in Home Assistant/MQTT, but Iā€™m not able to control the door opener.

Any suggestions where to start troubleshooting?

Thx and regards

Confirming, random opens for me with Chamberlain GDO P/N 41AB050-2 and 889LM wall panel (purple button, mqtt, Security 1.0). I woke up one morning after a brief power outage and the garage door was open (repeatable). Otherwise, 889LM was a big improvement over my original 78LM wall panel. My understanding is that either you have the 889LM in hardware that RATGDO can communicate through or RATGDO emulates a 889LM in software but can conflict with the current wall panel.

I have a Merlin MR855MYQ garage door opener. Merlin is part of the Chamberlain Group, and its specs say it supports Security+ 2.0, but from the manual itā€™s unclear if one of the pins is actually exposing this protocol.

I was wondering if anyone has this garage door opener and has successfully wired a RATGDO device to it?

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I just installed a 2.5i ratgdo in my liftmaster 8500W last night and the wall control is still functional. I went with the Mqtt firmware, may reflash with the esphome version since the Mqtt is lacking some of the sensors included in the esphome version, but everything is working again. I also blocked the opener from the internet, with a firewall rule, and didnā€™t have any adverse effects as some have reported.

Thanks for letting me know how it works. Do you have automatic door locks? How is yours connected to the opener? Epshome sounds like the way to go.

I do have the automatic door locks. As far as connections, I followed the 2.5 schematic here https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4663918/276749741-fe82ea10-e8f4-41d6-872f-55eec88d2aab.png

Hereā€™s a pic of the installed module, please excuse the untidy wiring.

I may try swapping to the esphome firmware this weekend, itā€™s working well though, so good chance it just gets left alone.

Thanks again!

In my case the wall panel 398LM caused the ratgdo to malfunction, the wall panel worked properly.

So if the random open is repeatable, does power cycling the ratgdo or the GDO or both causes an open?

Hello @jerrm! I have a Overhead Door Legacy 850 opener and the obstruction sensor operates between 8-10v. When no obstruction exists, it outputs 8v. An obstruction increases the voltage to 10v.

Do you have any suggestions on how to approach dividing the voltage for input to my v2.5 ratgdo? Based on what Iā€™ve described, is it even feasible my obstruction sensor could be compatible, given lowering of the voltage?

Sorry, not really. I havenā€™t had to deal with it personally, just had seen Genie needed the voltage reduced.

My google skills are failing me right now and I canā€™t find a thread that had some details.

Just received the 2.52i unit. Havenā€™t looked much into it yet so apologies for the basic question, but strangely I couldnā€™t find a straight answer: can a single unit control 3 car garage doors? On the wiring diagram, I see 3 momentary relay wires, but only 2 obstruction sensor wires and a single wire pair for wall mounted buttonā€¦ Thanks!

No. You need one ratgdo per opener.

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Ouch ok, thanks for the quick response.

Okay, thanks for the reply. I am no stranger to a soldering iron, but Iā€™m also not an electrical engineer. Reading up on voltage dividers has left me scratching my head on the specifics of how the resistance is dependent on load. Basically, I am at the mercy of someone who knows what theyā€™re doing to say ā€œhey dummy, go purchase these parts and solder them together.ā€ :slight_smile:

Iā€™m hoping I didnā€™t already fry the obstruction circuitry on my ratgdo before realizing the voltage was so high on my ā€œSafe-T-Beamā€ units.

I have ratdgo v2.5i that has working ESPHome firmware installed. I got notification about ESPHome 2023.12.5. Anyone know why I am getting this error when installing ESPHome 2023.12.5 via wireless?

P.S. I have 3 other ESPHome devices on my network. They all upgraded to ESPHome 2023.12.5 with no problems.

INFO Uploading /data/build/ratgdov25i-fad88a/.pioenvs/ratgdov25i-fad88a/firmware.bin (614816 bytes)
INFO Compressed to 414419 bytes
ERROR Error binary size: Error: ESP does not have enough space to store OTA file. Please try flashing a minimal firmware (remove everything except ota)

Check out this issue. You might have to go through the two step fix this time, but I think my understanding is that this should now be fixed going forward.

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Thank you @foreverimagining . That did the trick.