Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

Until the unit successfully connects to MQTT using the web interface connectivity is sketchy. All the band width is used to connect to MQTT as priority.

I used MQTT explorer to check if RATgdo successfully connected to my HASS Mosquito broker. After successful broker connection, the web browser interface is snappy!

Btw, if you changed your HASS MQTT Mos

I have tripled checked, the connection is as per the schematics.

Has anyone wired these with a Liftmaster in Europe? Specifically an LiftMaster LM750. It has 5 ports;

1: Green
2: Grey
3 + 4: White
5: Red

@jmad, @anuragpathak21

Reports elsewhere suggest the ratgdo red wire should be connected to the green terminal on controllers with similar terminal blocks.

I’m not where I can find the reference right now. Proceed at your own risk.

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Thanks @jerrm - saw similar in a burried FAQ. Tried using the green instead of red, but no luck. Thought maybe it might be Security 1, but that also didn’t work. It’s a pretty modern opener installed in 2020.

I just ordered RatGDOs for the two chamberlain security 2.0 openers I have to link them to HA. One door has the obstruction sensors sold in the kit with the now useless MyQ hub, the other door has no obstruction sensors.

I don’t want to use obstruction sensors and I certainly don’t want to buy another set. My question is will RatGDO work on a Security 2.0 system without having the obstruction sensors wired? Note that they don’t appear to be a simple contact, the wires to them appear to be the voltage supply with an overlaid signal, so bridging out the obstruction sensor contacts won’t work. Thanks!

The obstruction sensor circuitry is separate from the TX and RX that control and sense the door functions. As long as your garage door works as-is without the obstructions sensors, I don’t see any reason why you would need them for the RATGDO. I haven’t read through the code, but I doubt there’s anything in it that would cause problems if the obstruction sensors are left off considering that there are some obstruction sensors that have incompatible voltages. I would probably just leave out the BLK/OBST connection from the RATGDO to the GDO, in case the GDO would think there are obstruction sensors.

Looks like you might have this situation. Ratgdo will open door but not close without obstruction sensors. Do your openers have a wired wall controller?

Did you ever get this resolved? I’ve also got an 8500 I can’t get to work.

Good to hear you got working - any chance of a pic?

Everything else normal i.e. white->white black->grey?

I wasn’t seeing anything different with red → green.

Also wondered how you config/ firmware you used

Sorry, I see it’s a totally different door opener that I have. The green port on your opener has no power when it’s in standby, so this is not the serial communication port, My Bad.

Mine starts with a green terminal, which is 0.(green) red is 1. Connecting red to ratgdo didn’t work in my case.

Deleted my post above, so people don’t get confused.

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Yeah I had no luck either unfortunately. Obstruction reports fine. But close/open doesn’t work in both ESP and MQTT.
I did get it partially working in MQTT with the beta dry contact setting, but just toggle only, with no status reporting. I might pick up some reed switches on the way home this arvo and see if I can use that for status reporting.
I’m thinking maybe it’s to do with the fact the opener is wireless only with no wall switch on these models.


@anuragpathak21 @Mick1 @phil9
I have the same model and have also tried with no success. The only thing that worked was the obstruction sensors status.
The only way I have had any success is using MQTT. There is an option when setting up to use dry contact (bottom of 3 options). This will allow you to toggle the door, but will not show the status. I’ll pop in to Jaycar on the way home and pick up a couple of reed sensors which will hopefully report the status. Will let you know how I go.

@anuragpathak21 @Mick1 @phil9

Can confirm it works with the reed switches using the normally open terminals for upper and lower limits. Just need to work out where to put them on the door as its a bit difficult with a roller!
MQTT dry contacts protocol setting.
Chamberlain CR655MYQ

@matty78 good to know it looks like it will work with the dry contact and the reed switches with the MQTT firmware and dry contact

Thinking maybe some of the more robust garage door type reed sensor might do the trick, secure it to the ground and the magnet part on the bottom of the door

Is one reed switch going to be enough or will it need another at top to indicate it’s fully open?

If you needed two have these concealed ones, wonder if you could have two of the wired side in the side of the track without the doors catching on them, and find a way to secure the magnet part to the bottom lip of the door


Following a similar thread on reddit as well, be interesting if there’s a magic solution to this.

Hello, great to see so many people supporting @PaulWieland and also thank you @PaulWieland for the ratgdo so I can get rid of ‘Evil Corp’.

I ordered two ratgdo boards as I have two Merlin garage door openers. The one I am working on at the moment is the Merlin Commander Elite MS105MYQ:

This GDO is designed for the Australian and New Zealand markets but is essentially a Chamberlain and uses MYQ.

I have flashed my ratgdo board with the ESPHome firmware and it’s connected to my 2.4ghz IOT network which has a strong signal and supports several other devices in my garage.

In terms of wiring:

I have connected my obstruction sensors - these are Merlin OEM (I have four on the door) to the ratgdo observing the correct polarity - all black wires (+) from the obstruction sensors are bound together and connected to the ‘blk obst / to obst sensor’ then ‘blk obst / to gdo’ on the ratgdo is connected to connecter pin 3 on the Merlin GDO. The white GND wires (-) from each obstruction sensor are bound together and connected directly to pin 2 on the Merlin GDO.

The ‘red Ctrl’ on the ratgdo is connected to connecter pin 0 (green) on the Merlin GDO as this the e-serial port. Note on this model Merlin GDO, you are able to short pins 1 (red) & 2 and this will open or close the door without Security+ 2.0.

Lastly the ‘Wht GND’ connecter on the ratgdo is connected to connecter pin 2 on the Merlin GDO.

However I do have a few problems. The ‘toggle’ function does open and close the door, so this bit works - and the light does flash prior to closing so does provide the warning that MYQ did. Also, toggling the light works so this is nice new feature to have.

The problems:

  1. The garage door status does not always update. For example, when the door is closed the status might still report ‘closing’. This seems to correct itself if you toggle the ‘Lock Remote’ function.
  2. The obstruction sensors are not being sensed by ratgdo. If I block the sensors, ratgdo still reports ‘clear’. The sensors do work because the door won’t close if I block them.
  3. The open and close positioning isn’t working despite following the calibration as suggested. The percentage is showing when opening or closing but it’s not anywhere near accurate.

Has anyone encountered these problems and found a solution? I could change to MQTT but I do want the position function for courier deliveries and the cat.



That’s great news, let me know where did you finally attached those Reed switches and how much did they cost? Does it allow to contolr partial opening of door as it was there in ratgdo video.

On second thought, I will also look for other solution that works with CR655MYQ seemlessly with full feature as was expecting with ratgdo.

Nice one @daz.

I’m using a Chamberlain LM750EVGB, but I think I’m out of luck. Key difference here seems to be that the LM750EVGB lacks a documented e-serial port on green (on the LM750EVGB is a 24v dc accessory power port):

https://www.liftmaster.eu/Liftmaster/media/Liftmaster/PDFs/liftmaster-garage-door-opener-lm750evgb-manual.PDF?ext=.pdf (page 4)

I see your Merlin MS105MYQ has an eserial port: 114A5180H.pdf (page 6)

Indeed @jmad, I connected the red ratgdo connected to the green e-serial gdo port. Probably very similar to other AU/NZ models.

@jmad, just looked at your document and you do have a green terminal - this might be your e-serial connection. Although the documents do not mention Security+ 2.0. If it has dry contacts you could still use ratgdo but you won’t get the sensors.