Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

Also just noticed that the ‘stopped’ status on the ratgdo isn’t being passed into Home Assistant. I am only getting opened, closed, opening, closing. But it’s a bit hit and miss actually getting the status anyway.

I think it has been resolved.  On the ratgdo device web page, at the bottom - all the way at the bottom, there is a Control Protocol selection dropdown. I totally missed this (MY BAD – BIG TIME). I saw and focused on the firmware update at the top of the page. (tunnel vision)  However, I selected Security +1, and then updated the ratgdo firmware to V2.1. The system was updated and rebooted. However, the garage door would not respond.  So – reflashed, firmware reinstall complete, selected Security +1, DID NOT update the ratgdo firmware to V2.1 and ratgdo works.  So, for me anyway, the firmware update is titled: ratgdo_esp8266_v2.1.bin.  And the update description would seem to indicate I need to update as I am using Home Assistant.  But I now believe the update label means the firmware update is for esphome, not mqtt.  So, as of right now, ratgdo works as advertised.  Hope this helps!

Thank you for replying. You don’t get a protocol option when using ESPHome as the only firmware available supports Security+ 2.0.

I think you may have been configuring for MQTT?

I noticed that Obstruction is set to OFF - when I have Obstruction Sensors wired into my ratgdo. Any way to turn this on?

I’m pretty sure that is just meaning that there is no obstruction.

When you block the obstruction beam, does that not change to “ON”?

Yep @doctorkb has it correct, OFF is no obstruction, mine shows the same thing but goes to ON if I walk in front of it

Thank you so much, I was playing around with this the entire night (since I got them today). But I have a Liftmaster High Life 8 and as unfortunate as I am, the manual does not include a drawing of the terminals used.

Your post has a link to the manual of your device and the terminals are identical on my high life 8, which I greatly thank you for. I didn’t really understood what those terminals did since it wasn’t described in the manual, but they were described for your device.

I have then read up what you did, which was my mistake I made at first thinking the red terminal would be for the red wire (but it is actually port 0, the green one as you mentioned). I did however use the ground for the obstruction sensors on the ratgdo itself as that allows me to mount the ratgdo outside of the unit and have the backcover closed again.

For me however the obstruction sensors are showing clear/problem, opening/closing at a percentage also seemed to work fine. I haven’t checked the state changes though, I will do that tomorrow.

But… Many many thanks (and as I look at it, your post was only 12h ago :joy: ).

Photos attached.

Not very elegant, and definately won’t stand the test of time, but that’s future me’s problem! I will come up with something a bit more robust later!

Reed switches were around $9ea.

In regards to partial opening - doesn’t seem to, fully open, or fully closed. A workaround would be to setup a script that opens, set a delay, then stop, but the status won’t show partially open, I think it will be stuck on opening.
Since I put the reed switches on, I haven’t retested it with ESPHome to see if it now works. Would be keen to see if it does, but the functions I have now are all I need.

Let me know how you go with another solution. I think though they that this particular model may be dry contact only as it lacks the wall switch, and may always require the reed switches with other solutions. Would be good if not though.

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This is my bodgy setup. I may at some stage clean it up and make it a little more robust, but it’s working fine at the moment.

I did get it working with one reed switch for just open/close status…briefly… but I must have changed something and couldn’t replicate it. There was no opening/closing status, but not sure that’s necessary anyway. With the 2 sensors when it leaves the bottom sensor, it shows opening, and when it arrives at the top sensor, it shows opened, and vice versa.

Thanks for the details and pic. Did those reed switched require power (main line) or works on battery? You have to connect those to ratgdo ?


I bought the 2.5 installation kit and have a Chamberlain garage opener with a red button.
I tried a few wiring schemes and couldn’t make the RATGDO work.
It connects to the wifi and home assistant but does not have any effect on that garage opener.

Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance,


Red learn button means Security+ 1.0, which is not yet supported by ESPHome. You can use the MQTT version in the mean time, or it looks like there is a branch that is being worked on and tested currently in ESPHome if you want to check it out.

It doesn’t change when I walk in front of the sensors unfortunately.

Hey mate.
Hooks up to RATGDO on the opposite side. Top reed switch goes from NO into the open terminal on RATGO, and bottom switch goes from NO to close terminal on RATGDO. There is a COM terminal on both reed switches and they both go to ground. No batteries required as its just essentially a magne which opens or closes the circuit.

Bit of an interesting issue with mine. I suddenly am not getting any status from the door itself. I can toggle it open, and close, but I do not get a “closed, opening, open, closing” status update anymore. I tried rebooting the device. I get the status of the light, obstruction sensor and movement sensor etc. but not on the door status itself. I have it flased with the ESPhome firmware. Any thoughts?

If I were to remove the device, and reflash the firmware, would it work as if I just installed it? or do I need to make sure I get the code it is displaying and re-enter that code?

I’m getting the same thing although a bit intermittent. What happens when you query the status?

This is what pops up in the logbook.

"ratgdov2.5i c94277 Query status changed to January 17, 2024 at 8:30 AM triggered by service Button: Press

8:30:31 AM - Now - Noah"

I got home last night and was about ready to pop the thing off and re-flash the firmware, and it started to send the notifications. I pushed and moved the wires around to make sure there was good contact, and everything looked fine. It worked as it should for a while, and stopped showing its status an hour later.

I can toggle the door, it never updates its status, the light works, the remote lock works both of those show their status. Not sure whats going on, if its the Ratdgo or the door thats not passing info on to home assistant.

I suspect temperature? its been pretty bitter cold here in the Denver area. My history is limited to 24 hours in my logs, so I am not exactly sure when it stopped showing its status.

I just received my ratgdo v2.53i installation kit and want confirm wiring. I see that the plug with the red, white, and black goes into the motor. Do I need to remove the obstruction sensor and wall button wires from the motor and plug that into ratgdo?

Yes, that is the way it is designed. The plug with red, white, and black wires are connected to the ratgdo terminals, so you could just twist the wires together at the Garage Door Opener or you can wire the ratgdo between the GDO and original wires. Same thing, just might be easier to get a good connection with fewer wires in each terminal.

Thank you!

Another noob question, how do I edit the yaml file?