Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

UPDATE: Figured out how to make the door open/close including as a cover in HA. Still having the problem with the obstruction sensor…

2ND UPDATE: Got the obstruction sensor working, too.

Feel free to contact me if you want my yaml file.

Funny thing (sort of) happened yesterday, after a power outage at home.
When the power came back on…and several hours later in the evening, an automation I have to close the garage door, suddenly opened the “already closed” garage door. I checked and ratgdo did in fact “send the close the garage door” command…but in fact, it opened the door. (scary)

On further thinking and reflecting on when I installed ratgdo, what I think is happening is, when ratgdo loses power and power is restored, until you cycle the garage door, ratdgo does not know the condition or placement/location (open/closed) of the garage door.

Has anyone seen this behavior? Is there a way to correct this behavior?

In looking at the code for Security+ 1.0, it appears that it can query the door status. I’d suspect that it’s actually the opener that comes back and says “unknown” when it hasn’t gone through a cycle, prompting your automation to trigger ratgdo to “press” the button.

The safest way is solve this is to not have anything that automatically (without intervention) closes the door. I have not found any of the garage door sensors to be without fail (I’ve used various tilt sensors, magnetic sensors, as well as the reading from the opener) and invariably, I’ll get alerts that the door is open when my camera shows it clearly closed.

I’d recommend switching to that approach – alert when left open, then you can verify if it needs to be closed.

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Many thanks. I have - as a safety issue - disabled the routine. I do have an independent sensor on the door, so yes, your advice is sound.

sound advice. Thanks !!

Yes I have experienced the same issue and to prevent it from happening I placed a Zigbee plug between the Ratgo power supply and the outlet and set the plug to default to OFF after a power failure. This way I don’t have to worry about the door opening when I’m not around should I have a power outage.

Just so you know, the commands for Security+1.0 and all commands in the MQTT firmware appear to all be a toggle. They differentiate closing and opening by checking if the door state matches with the command, and then would only call, say, the “close” toggle if the door state is open. If the RATGDO has the wrong state for any reason, then it would toggle anyway. Using a separate sensor as a backup check would definitely be a good idea.

@Papester and @foreverimagining Excellent input. I do have a dlink KP plug on the ratgdo. I will have to investigate the KP plug’s ability to default to off on a power failure.

I also appreciate @doctorkb perspective on security and safety.

Many thanks for all this feedback. It truly gives me different perspectives and insights - very valuable - the community is way smarter than just me, myself and I.


Good Day All, I have noticed over the last couple of days, the ratgdo control in the dashboard card and in the Devices listing is being gray’d out. If I reload the MQTT integration or restart HA, ratgdo comes back online. Then a few minutes later it goes back offline.

Well, I have cycled power to it, but still can not log into the ratgdo web interface.

So, now I am wondering if it got fried and is toast. We did have a power outage.

Appreciate help in diagnosing if I need a new unit.

Good Day All,
Some help understand this: After a power outage, as described above, the ratgdo is gray’d out. So - I unplug it from power. Now it is showing active (not gray’d out).

If no power - it should be gray’d out.
I checked my cable/modem router and it shows as active.

Is ratgdo getting some power from the garage door opener?

Appreciate any help in troubleshooting to get the ratgdo back online.

What you’re describing sounds a lot like what I’ve seen with other ESP32 devices when they have a spotty network connection.

How’s the wifi in the garage where you have this mounted? Is it in the radio “shadow” of the opener?

As of updating the HA operating system couple weeks ago, the Ratgdo cover control no longer works. I have multiple ratgdo devices (separate garage doors) and the issue is consistent for all of them. They are able to update state for the door sensor and the light, but not able to update state of the cover nor control opening/closing the cover.

Has anyone dealt with this and resolved? The only thing I still need to try is to unpair and rediscover these via MQTT but hoping to avoid this.

@doctorkb using my cell phone as a gauge, I have all bars - full signal. It is in direct line of sight of the cable/modem/wifi device (if you discount a wall).

Also - right now it is unplugged - yet Home Assistant shows as active as does the cable modem/router/wifi device.
but if you push the open button on the dashboard card…nothing happens.

Some additional data: when I plug in the ratgdo, the blue led flashes once or twice (its quick), goes steady for about 3-4 seconds, then goes off.

and the HA Dashboard card grays out.

Just plugged it back in…now HA Dashboard card shows it gray’d out.
I have a bad feeling about this. I am starting to think the power outage broke ratgdo.


Well, need some help with this development.

I plugged the ratgdo back into power, and it came back online.

Not sure I have ever seen an electronic device, fail to operate, then on several power cycles, start operating again.

Has anyone seen this behaviour?

Is the ratgdo actually in the process of failing?

Your help please.

This sounds more like an issue talking over MQTT.

Have you tried accessing the device directly in the web interface, rather than hoping for something via HA?

What are you using for a power adapter for the ratgdo? Is there any chance it is bad (or very underpowered)?

@doctorkb As a matter of fact - that was one of the first things I tried. And tried several times after the various power cycles… waiting just a bit to let ratgdo power up, sync, etc. But no joy. Web browser page was …not connecting.

Now, I just tried again… and whamo! logged right in.

To the power adapter - good question. It is the one that came with the ratgdo. So - it meets the power requirements. As for it going bad…great question. so - how check that? Use a multimeter and measure? or just watch it, if it happen again, change it out?

It’s hard to diagnose those USB wall-warts. The easiest way is to swap it out and see if the problem is magically resolved.

You do have the ratgdo set up with a reserved IP on your router, right?

Well, this is interesting. Can-do in swapping out a power (wall-wart) unit. Sort of figured that would be the easy user approach.

No - I did not have a reserved IP. Bad on me. It does now.

Strange though, the name in the router is different than the name ratgdo assigned when I installed. The numeric numbers assigned are different at the end of the ratgdo- xxxxx naming convention. In my head I think this does not matter, as it is looking at the IP and the login credentials.
Your thoughts?

So far, it has been working. I have to admit, my confidence is a bit low on this product - may have nothing to do with the product, and is totally based on the situation of losing power, and things (garage door, ratgdo) getting out of sync as discussed.

Not sure how to “remember this” next time it happens. Create automation …if power lose, a notification is sent: resync garage door / ratgdo…? And if one is on travel or vacation away from home…hmmm??
Your thoughts?

That may be all it needs… sometimes devices don’t like being bounced around.

That is odd – I think I remember seeing that gets assigned based on a serial number or MAC address. That could point to hardware hinky-ness.

I can’t speak to the Sec+1.0 implementation – I’m on 2.0 and it has been rock solid. Even more reliable than MyQ (not that it takes much).

I think it boils down to being a “convenience” tool rather than a “life safety” tool. Is it handy to be able to open and close your door from the office? Sure. But if it doesn’t work, that shouldn’t be the end of the world.

That is odd – I think I remember seeing that gets assigned based on a serial number or MAC address. That could point to hardware hinky-ness.

I think I am going to remove and reinstall, and get the router, and ratgdo thinking they are the same. It has been solid and reliable … one it reconnected. But the naming ID issue does cause me concern.

Monitor it for a while…(dedicated IP and all) maybe change out the power plug (wall wart).

I have considered just ordering a new ratgdo, in case there is some internal “hinky-ness” due to the power fluctuations.

Agree with your perspectives. Many thanks, will wrap back around with updates…good to sort of clean up / close out a discussion on an issue.

FWIW, I have had the exact same issue.
This was back in late December of 23 such that my garage door was not secure via amazon echo / Alexa.
I tried your solution and it resolved my issue. Not certain if I had to but I deleted the garage door via the Alexa app and then had it do its discover scan, subsequently edited the garage door device in Alexa to enable voice control and added the PIN.

Thanks for posting your solution!!