Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

Thanks, I have the same one and could not figure out how to get this wired. I didn’t think it would port 0.

All of the YouTube videos, etc, show the US version.

Is it possible to control 2 garage doors with a single Ratgdo? I see only 3 wires used with several pins available.

No. You need one ratgdo per door opener.

So I have a ratgdo connected to my 1.0 garage door (purple learn button). I have the MQTT firmware installed and I am able to toggle the door. It appears though that I do not have door status telling me the door state, unless I am missing something. This is what MQTT Explorer sees:

There is the door command, but I am guessing that that is for controlling the door, or is that the indicator for the door state?

Any help is appreciated.

I use ESPHome.
Door = close == is a state that the door is closed. The states are Open, Opening, Closing, and Close.

here is my yaml for a card:

type: custom:button-card

type: custom:button-card
entity: cover.ratgdov25i_f393ba_door
name: Garage Door
show_icon: true
show_name: true
show_state: true
  action: toggle
  - value: open
    icon: mdi:garage-open
    color: rgb(255,0,0)
  - value: close
    icon: mdi:garage

The problem is that the Secuity+ 1.0 is not yet supported by ESPHome. I would love all the functionaliy that ESPHome has, unfortunately I am at the mery of Paul Weiland’s firmware.

Actually, ESPHome has supported Security+1.0 for a while now—as much as any of them really “support” Security+1.0 since it seems to have some issues. There are some instructions in this issue if you need help with the transition.

Then I saw what used to be an old post that said ESPHome did not support 1.0. I will give it a try.

Back at my computer. This is what I saw.

That is directly from this link:

Interesting. I guess he didn’t update that page, but he did update the Feature Matrix, at least for ESPHome. The ESPHome Flash page does include protocol selection, though, and for the ESPHome firmware, I’d trust the official repository more than anything on Paul Weiland’s pages. Hard to say how often he updates them.

The wall controller I have I believe is 398LM. It has the top button, the lcd with the time (which is useless), the motion sensor and the bottom lock and light buttons. How do I find out if that one is supported?

So, it looks like the 398LM is a 0x37 panel instead of a 0x38 panel like the 889LM. This might actually be why you were having problems with the status of the door. I’m not certain if they fixed the issue in the ESPHome firmware, but they are aware of the problem, and it sounds like they may have added a workaround where the RATGDO queries 0x38 for the status after reading a 0x37 according to the conversation in this issue where they originally discussed and tested Security+1.0. You can Ctrl+F “398LM” to read those parts, or you may simply have to try it to see if it works.

Alternatively, someone in the RAT-RATGDO community did come up with a “man-in-the-middle” solution that seems to fix all of the issues with 0x37 wall panels and Security+1.0 in general. You can check out the discussion it was moved to here, but since we haven’t heard from the OP in a while, this will not be an immediate solution by any means.

Katie, before I continue I want to say that your posts have been a great help. You seem very knowledgeable on the topic and I appreciate it very much.

My next issue is that I am not seeing a link to download the OTA firmware for the ESPHome version. There is this link, but that appears to only be the 2.57 MQTT release and not the ESPHome releases. I checked all the pages I could but not seeing it. I would rather not have to uninstall it from the GDO to re-flash if I don’t have to.

Thank you again.

Nevermind, I think I figured it out. The whole thing talking about the manifest and that in one of the links you sent was a bit confusing at first, but I got the file (I think). I’ll post how it goes.

I just finished writing this as you responded again, so I’ll just go ahead and post it anyways. XD Maybe it’ll be helpful for you or someone else that sees this down the line.

Thank you, I really appreciate the acknowledgement. :slight_smile: I’m not especially knowledgeable enough to be able to help with all the problems, but I’ve been keeping up with the RATGDO and RAT-RATGDO communities for a while now, so I’ve developed a pretty thorough understanding of how it’s supposed to work. It’s been a great learning experience.

As for your next issue, it sounds like you’re looking for a pre-compiled bin file to upload, and it is my understanding that they don’t like to provide that in the ESPHome firmware. What you’re supposed to do, instead, is compile one yourself in your ESPHome instance in Home Assistant (or wherever else, if your ESPHome is not being run as an add-on in Home Assistant), then download that, and upload it.

This comment has the basic instructions to follow, and the basic yaml files to copy from are in this folder. The yaml file you choose will depend on which RATGDO version you have. For instance, I have a v2.5 RATGDO that is using a D1 mini controller board, so I would need the contents of the v25board_esp8266_d1_mini_secplusv1.yaml file if I had a Security+1.0 door. This way you can also add in your wifi credentials ahead of time and any other changes you might want to make.

It’s not actually that hard to do, but it certainly can seem difficult if you’ve never done it before. If you have trouble understanding the process, I can try to make some pictures for you.

So I gave in and took the RATGDO board off and brought it in the house to re-flash. I now have it running the ESPHome firmware. After initially hooking it up I was not getting status and the RATGDO direct web interface had some funky activity going on. After reading a bit on this man-in -the-middle approach I decided to disconnect the red wire from my wall switch to the RATGDO board. After doing that, all control from ESPHome and homeassistant, including door status worked, so it would appear that this man-in-the-middle approach is the key (for now).

Lol, sometimes the manual way turns out to be the easier way.

It sounds like the workaround for 0x37 wallpanels didn’t work for your GDO, and the alternative, then, is usually to disconnect your wallpanel (as you did) to enable the RATGDO to enter emulation mode where it pretends to be the wallpanel and polls the GDO for status updates on a regular basis.

If you still want to have a physical button to control opening and closing your GDO but are willing to sacrifice the other features on your wallpanel, then you can use pretty much any basic (appropriate voltage rated) momentary button in place of the wallpanel. Paul Wieland usually recommends a simple doorbell button. You could also use (a) smart button(s) programmed to control the functions via automation in Home Assistant. And there’s always the option to simply buy a compatible wallpanel, but this is my least favorite suggestion because they aren’t exactly cheap.

As you can read early in the man-in-the-middle discussion, I have advocated for a variation to be compatible for use with original-flavor RATGDOs, so hopefully we’ll hear back from the OP one of these days. Now that the craze is over and life once again intrudes, I’m sure he’s been distracted and busy.

I don’t really use the other functions of the wall pannel anyway. The clock that is on the thing is pretty much useless as I never found a spot on the panel for a backup battery and every time the power goes out, the clock resets and I gave up on setting it every time. The motion sensor is simetimes nice for the light. One other option I have would be to design my own wall panel that would integrate into HomeAssistant that would have the functions that I want and use some HomeAssistant actions to trigger those things. My only issue with that would be that I am trying to keep my system so I don’t lose any basic functionality if the HA server were to go down for whatever reason, but doing that as a temporary fix until someone figures out the 0x37 issues, I can probably handle that. One more option would be to pair an additional car remote to the system and find a way to mount that on the wall as a simple controller. I may have an extra remote in my parts bin somewhere.

Liftmaster 878max or 877lm

From inside the garage I don’t want to have to key in a code every tme I want to open the door. I want to just have a button to push to open and close the door. I have a keypad like that just outside the garage door which makes sense, but not for inside.