Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

After working flawlessly for the last several months, my RatGDO2.5 has started intermittently failing to send commands to the garage door (though it continues to correctly report status). This started happening just after the last time it was updated (around the time of the ESPHOME 24.03.1 update notification).

When it fails, this can be seen in the log:

[07:45:18][D][cover:076]: 'Door' - Setting
[07:45:18][D][cover:084]:   Position: 0%
[07:45:18][D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 694.000000
[07:45:35][D][ratgdo:095]: Door state=CLOSED
[07:45:35][W][component:232]: Component ratgdo took a long time for an operation (51 ms).
[07:45:35][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[07:45:35][D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[07:45:35][D][cover:173]:   Position: 0%
[07:45:35][D][cover:186]:   Current Operation: IDLE
[07:45:35][D][switch:016]: 'Status door' Turning OFF.
[07:45:35][D][switch:055]: 'Status door': Sending state OFF
[07:45:35][D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 696.000000
[07:45:49][D][cover:076]: 'Door' - Setting
[07:45:49][D][cover:084]:   Position: 100%
[07:45:49][D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[07:45:49][W][component:232]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (59 ms).
[07:45:49][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[07:45:49][D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 697.000000
[07:46:06][D][ratgdo:095]: Door state=OPEN
[07:46:06][D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[07:46:06][D][cover:173]:   Position: 100%
[07:46:06][D][cover:186]:   Current Operation: IDLE
[07:46:06][D][switch:012]: 'Status door' Turning ON.
[07:46:06][D][switch:055]: 'Status door': Sending state ON
[07:46:06][D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 698.000000
[07:46:38][D][cover:076]: 'Door' - Setting
[07:46:38][D][cover:084]:   Position: 0%
[07:46:38][D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 699.000000
[07:46:49][D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[07:46:49][W][component:232]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (59 ms).
[07:46:49][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[07:46:55][D][ratgdo:095]: Door state=CLOSED
[07:46:55][W][component:232]: Component ratgdo took a long time for an operation (51 ms).
[07:46:55][W][component:233]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[07:46:55][D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[07:46:55][D][cover:173]:   Position: 0%
[07:46:55][D][cover:186]:   Current Operation: IDLE
[07:46:55][D][switch:016]: 'Status door' Turning OFF.
[07:46:55][D][switch:055]: 'Status door': Sending state OFF
[07:46:55][D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 701.000000

Normally when a open/close command is correctly sent, you see lots of log chatter about the motor coming on, the cover position changing, light coming on, etc. The web interface of the device is still functioning, and the yaml hasnā€™t changed:

  name: ratgdov25i-f9ed66
  friendly_name: Garage Door
  ratgdo.esphome: github://ratgdo/esphome-ratgdo/v25iboard.yaml@main
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
    key: xxxx
  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  board: d1_mini

I am going to try reflashing the device soon, but has anyone else experienced something similar? @PaulWieland, might you have any insights?


Hey @matty78 and all,

Iā€™m dealing with the same issues with a MR655MYQ and have bought two reed switches. Theyā€™re both NC and Iā€™m wondering how to use this for the RATGDO.

Can I install one sensor top and bottom of the door rail, and mount a single magnet to the bottom of the door? That way, a closed door will be NC and top would be normally open. When the door opens, the top reed switch would be ā€˜closedā€™. Iā€™m a bit lost as you may well tell. Just hoping I havenā€™t bought the wrong reed switches.

NVM, a little experimenting sorted it outā€¦ For anyone with an MR655MYQ, it is a dry contact door opener, and the RED terminal (not GREEN) is where the red ctrl wire connects to on the GDO.

Finally have this device working after months of failed attempts!!

Would appreciate hive-mind for troubleshootingā€¦

My ratgdo is connected according to the 2.5 wiring diagram.
The wall-switch works. The obstruction sensors work (and the garage door stops closing if thereā€™s an obstruction).
The ratgdo boardā€™s blue led lights when I send light and open-close commands through HAā€¦ but the GDO doesnā€™t twitch. It used to, but now it wonā€™t activate the light or the door in either direction. It does report the door status accurately.

Almost acts (to my primitive mind) like itā€™s not sending enough signal to the gdo? I donā€™t understand how the blue led can activate on the ratgdo board, and it can report status of door, but wonā€™t trigger the door. Iā€™ve re-checked (even replaced) the wiring to the door.

Iā€™m stumped. Anyone know of troubleshooting steps for this? Thanks

Hey Chris. Sorry for the later reply. Yes, I have it setup as you have, and glad to see you got it working!

Months later Iā€™m finally getting around to installing my 3rd ratgdo, this one on an old, dry contact Liftmaster. It seems like ESP might be available for v2.5/dry contact now, but since I have 2 working MQTT installations already, is there any advantage to installing ESP on this one and/or converting the other MQTT installs (one is 1.0, the other dry contact)? Off hand it would be nice to have all of my devices under ESPhome and not having to manually download and update firmware on the 3 MQTT devices, but otherwise is there a great enough benefit to switching to ESP? Iā€™m interested to hear what others think.

Ok friends. I have a craftsman garage door opener with a purple learn button. Has obstruction sensors.

Wall panel has motion sensor, lock, and light, which Iā€™d love to bring into HA.

Trying to decide if ratgdo is for me. Any way to anticipate what all will show up for me?

So you seem to have a Security+1.0 GDO with the purple learn button. While ā€œsupported,ā€ Security+1.0 GDOs do sometimes have a few quirks.

First quirk to look out for: what kind of wallpanel model do you have?

Some models use 0x37 queries to poll for GDO status, while others use 0x38. Since your wallpanel is smart enough to have the motion sensor, it should fall into one of those two categories.

If it is a 0x37-type panel, RATDGO likely wonā€™t currently work well with it. Your options then would be to replace your wallpanel with something more compatible like the 889LM, or give up the physical buttons for the light and lock as well as the motion sensor and replace the wallpanel with a simple momentary switch so that the RATGDO can enter ā€œemulation modeā€ and act like the wallpanel itself. In emulation mode, the RATGDO would have control of the lock and light settings in HA, so it really depends on how much you rely on the physical buttons and motion sensor. You could also use HA to replace the functions with smart buttons/motion sensors/etc.

In the case of a 0x38-type panel, you are less likely to have compatibility issues. I wonā€™t say that there are none, but they do work much better than the 0x37 panels at the moment. In this case, you should still have control of all of the physical buttons and the lock, light, and motion sensor should be available in HA. There does appear to be a note on the Feature Matrix about the motion sensor with Security+1.0, though: ā€œOn Security + 1.0, motion detection is reported when the light turns on.ā€

Very interesting info!

This is the wall panel:

Not sure how to tell which type it is but Iā€™ll research.

And I donā€™t think we have ever used the light or lock buttons lol so Iā€™m fine switching to a simpler style.

For those that have a Security+ 1.0 opener with one of the wall controllers that has the 0x37 issue that freaks out the RATGDO board when connected like mine does, the solution I came up with for my situation is that I have designed a replacement wall controller. If you have a 3D printer and some electronics knowledge, I have posted the controller on thingiverse (Garage Door Wall Button by dbemowsk - Thingiverse). The new controller does not connect directly to the GDO. It connects to Home Assistant using ESPHome and from there you can use automations to control the functions of the GDO. The contoller has 4 controls, the main door control button, a lock button, a light button and a PIR motion sensor.

Let me know what you think.

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Wow, that looks old. I may have to retract my ā€œitā€™s probably smart enoughā€ statement. XD

Since it looks like the motion sensor function in Security+1.0 is based on the light turning on rather than a response from the wallpanel, itā€™s possible that yours might even be a ā€œdumbā€ wallpanel that doesnā€™t message the GDO for updates, and is therefore compatible with the RATGDO, but would likely lose functionality of the light and lock buttons. I donā€™t know how to check what kind of message yours sends (if any) without having a device to read the signals being sent on the line, but a cursory search in the RATGDO repositories didnā€™t turn up any matches, so I lean towards it being ā€œdumbā€ and nobody having problems with it.

It may just be a matter of trying it out. If you do go with RATGDO, Iā€™d recommend using the ESPHome version. You can see a bit of what to expect in the README in the ESPHome repository.

Other issues Iā€™ve heard about with Security+1.0 include: occasional opening events, sometimes just phantom in the logs, sometimes real openings that are obviously concerning even if rare; a general command unreliability that can require multiple tries, which Iā€™m pretty sure is usually related to incompatible wallpanels; and sometimes the status doesnā€™t update properly, which can be an issue since Security+1.0 commands are a toggle and rely on the status sometimes.

These are what I remember off the top of my head. There may be more, or these could be largely resolved. Iā€™ve been busy recently so I havenā€™t been keeping up to be sure. Some people donā€™t have any problems with Security+1.0, but at the moment, it is more likely to turn up problems than Security+2.0 GDOs.

On the plus side, if your GDO kicks the bucket a week after you add smart (or smarter) functionality like mine did originally, you can just reuse the RATGDO with your new Security+2.0 GDO, and it should work perfectly.

I love this, btw. Looks pretty much just like a regular wallpanel.

Ok so a real opening that wasnā€™t requested isā€¦alarming.

Any reason you recommend the ESPHome version? Iā€™m pretty partial to MQTT so I figured I would go that way. Have explored ESPHome a bit but havenā€™t found anything that benefits my needs.

It seems to be a somewhat rare occurrence only affecting some people, but it is something you should be aware of. Then again, I have also heard of people having that issue with myQ, anyways. Itā€™s something to plan for, just in case.

The ESPHome version generally has a bit more functionality and is a bit more refined. For instance, it has the ability to set the door to open or close to a certain percentage, which a lot of us like to have the option of. I believe it also provides more status information than MQTT does, like open/opening/closed/closing rather than open/closed, the time of opening and closing (which is used for setting the door to a percentage), the motor running/not running status, and the number of openings. Theyā€™ve also been working on developing the ability to use the Time To Close function of the GDOs that makes them blink and possibly beep as a warning that theyā€™re about to be closed remotely, but thereā€™s a lot of discussion about how badly they might screw things up. I think Iā€™ve also heard of it being easier to update.

Iā€™ve only used the ESPHome version for Security+2.0, so Iā€™m not too clear on the details. Perhaps @dbemowsk could give a better rundown since he just switched to ESPHome on Security+1.0?

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I fixed it by running

docker exec esphome git config --system --add safe.directory '*'

Found the solution here. It appears itā€™s an ESPHOME issue and not ratgdo issue.

UPDATE: after tenving black wire everything is working as expectedā€¦ am I missing something here??

Ive bought 2 ratgdo and i was hoping the installation would be plug & play
ive gotten so far that its flashed. available in Home assistant, but i am seeing random funtions working and then not workingā€¦

I got a High line 8 champerlain garagedoor opener with the connector that do look more different than what i am seeing on the internet. but i guess this is propably why im off track here

rigth now i got a MYQ garage door opener running (different wiring than what seen on the picture here from ratgdo)
but when i just add my ratgdo to these 3 holes and keeping my currently working MYQ setup installed too. im loosing the connection/ability to open/close from the MYQ and my wall button is this expected? or is it happening because of somekind of inteference?

is there a chance im missing something here?

im connecting the way im seeing it on the picture ive attachedā€¦

are there any common troubleshooting steps that needs to be taken? i dont have sensor installed or anything like that

i have also attached pictures of my own setup only with the MYq installation and also with the ratgdo alongside the MYQ


Why leave myQ? Could that be your issue?

Ratgdo provides connection diagram. Doesnā€™t sound like you followed that and just did something different from documented working method. Try connecting using recommended method tonsee if that works.

The only bit of troubleshooting that stands out is that your wires donā€™t look well-twisted when theyā€™re going into the same connector. These push terminals are crap for making connections to multiple wires unless theyā€™ve been twisted together.

The comment is poorly written ā€“ but it seems they lose their wall control as wellā€¦

The wiring diagram assumes your installation location lets you daisy-chain the wall control off the ratgdo. While this is Paulā€™s recommended approach, it seems as though it potentially adds a failure point for manual control.

it CAN be my issue, i dont know.
the reason i left it is because im new into Home assistant and there for i did not want to disconnect something working before a new ratgdo was working as expected :slight_smile: