Rayburn Cooker Controller with ESP32 / ESPHome

Hi Guys,

I’m just getting stuck into a new project which involves adapting my existing gas-fuelled range cooker and making it ‘smart’ or IoT enabled.

Not my actual cooker, but mine is pretty much the same as this Rayburn range cooker.

In addition to keeping the existing cooker temperature control kit in, I’ll be adding to it to use an ESP32 via a HA dashboard which can then be used to give temperature readouts, set the required oven temp and any timers etc.

There is only one temperature readout required, and this is taken from the cast iron oven using a k-type thermocouple / MAX6675, and only one gas burner is used to heat this up and that is operated via a solenoid actuated gas valve. The temperature of the hob part of the cooker is determined by the oven temperature. The existing electro-thermostatic control is pretty much life-expired, and the temp’ readout is inaccurate, hence the requirement to ‘upgrade’ to a smarter system.

I have got the ESP32 up and running and I’ve started to play around with the Thermostat Climate Controller in the hope I can modify it to control the cooker. From reading the Docs page it seems to do pretty much everything I could ask, and seems flexible enough to allow for some hysteresis on the control - and more importantly, provides for a simple interface for She Who Must Be Obeyed to use.

My current stumbling block is that the front-end control for the temperature seems limited. (see image below)

This simple thermostat does everything that I need, however, there are upper and lower limits to the temperature control as it only adjusts between 10C at the lower end, and 30C at the upper end which is fine for domestic heating, however, I cannot find any means of changing these lower and upper figures. Nothing in the dashboard yaml at all, and nothing in the ESPHome code as I can see. Ideally, for an oven, the lower and upper limits should be something like 80C to 260C.

Does anybody have any ideas on how to achieve this or where the code is to modify the current lower and upper limits???

Many thanks in advance for any assistance given, it is always much appreciated. :+1:t2:



hi. try this:

in the same directory of configuration.yaml create a new yaml, " climate.yaml " then add to the configuration.yaml this line:

climate: !include climate.yaml

add this code to climate and see if it work.

  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: my cooker
    heater: switch.room_heater1 # YOUR SWICTH
    target_sensor: sensor.room_temperature1 # your temperature sensor
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 23
    ac_mode: false
    target_temp: 18
    cold_tolerance: 0.3
    hot_tolerance: 1
    seconds: 5
    minutes: 3
    initial_hvac_mode: “off”
    precision: 0.1


Thanks for posting your suggestion, very much appreciated.

I have followed the steps you suggested and now get an invalid configuration.

This is well beyond my level of knowledge of yaml… :astonished:



@candidotsa please post as yaml, not gibberish. Use the </> button or ``` before and after your code.

@Muddy_Boots the temperature range is dealt with in the docs

Hi. Thank you nickrout.
Muddy_boots if you use nickrout suggestion you will be able to use the heater with the server down if you use may code you won’t be able to use that if the ha stay offline.

# room

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: aq termostato 
    heater: switch.tomada_aq
    target_sensor: sensor.t_temperature
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 23
    ac_mode: false
    target_temp: 18
    cold_tolerance: 0.3
    hot_tolerance: 1
      seconds: 5
      minutes: 3
    initial_hvac_mode: "off"
    precision: 0

I’m using a phone so I don’t know if the copy paste will work.

The question was “I am using the esphome thermostat climate controller but the temperature range is limited”

The answer is “use the min_temperature and max_temperature settings.”

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Nice one Nick!! :+1:t2: I have read so much over the past few days that the bit you referred to in your previous post didn’t register. I can’t see the wood for the trees! :man_facepalming:t2:

This is now how it is… Range has had to run from 0C to 260C due to check on “OFF” preset temp’ (I maybe don’t need this preset, but running out of time to have a play this morning :roll_eyes: )

@nickrout Do you have a reference link to any more of the visual parameters available for this platform? I would like to customize the dashboard a bit for the WAF…

@candidotsa Thanks for the re-post. I’ve not had time yet to try it out, but I will hopefully do so later this evening. :+1:t2:

