Razberry 2 How To

Hi everybody,

I would like to use a Razberry 2 car for the Zwave on a RPI 3 and I pluged the card on the RPI

I installed Hassbian and I can access to the interface normally.

Now I try to configure the Zwave via the integration menu and open zwave.

I entered in the path => /dev/ttyAMA0

But I have an error message “Z-Wave validation failed. Is the path to the USB key correct?”

Is there something to install (Library or tools) for the Razberry card to be recognized ?

See https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/device-specific/#razberry-board

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Hi @Tinkerer

really thank you I followed the step by step the how to and that works fine :smiley::+1: