Razberry and Bluetooth

Hi all.

In doing something I normally don’t do I have been reading before I started to play. I have the HASSIO on a raspberry pi 3 with not much set up just to get a feel.

I have purchased a Razberry board and a zwave device. But in reading zwave setup I noticed it says I cant use Bluetooth on the pi and the Razberry board as it says hardware.

So Can I simple add a usb Bluetooth dongle? Or is it better to say run a separate PI and have either the Razberry or BT on it?

I am looking to use the Bluetooth for presence detection

EDIT: BT adapter such as https://www.jaycar.com.au/usb2-0-bluetooth-v4-0-class-2-dongle/p/XC4956 and use an USB extension to place it in a more desirable