I can’t figure out how to turn of the UART to enable razberry and zwave, using the new HassOS and Hassio 0.73.2.
The documentation (https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/zwave/) states that I should add a row in the config.txt file. That worked fine before, but since Hassos I can’t access the SD card.
I just upgraded and have the same problem and no time to look into it right now. On top of my restore not completing fully and some addons not working (like Samba not sharing anything).
Hello Guys,
I am also thinking about upgrading to HassOS soon and I’m also using a RaZberry board on my PI3.
I’ve done some digging and I’ve summarized what I’ve sound (including your topic) into this issue on github:
Had the same issue.
Solved in changing the config.txt on SD card in my windows laptop.
After booting with the changed config.txt all my zwave devices are back again.