RC522 + Nodemcu + home assistant for access control

Hi, can anyone suggest a way to incorporate a RC522 with nodemcu. I was interested in trying out esp-rfid but it does not seem to work once all settings are done. Had anyone found another alternative to this method. Thank you

I successfully used an RC522 with a wemos D1 Mini and esp-rfid.

I had issues with esp-rfid at the start not saving settings. I reflashed and rebooted it and that seemed to work.
I have it working with my alarm system.

This is a demo of my current setup: https://www.facebook.com/josephnaim/videos/10157171748431393/

Is there no way to use nodemcu since i already have it. Esp-rfid does not work for me once i save all settings and reboot. So wanted to look into another alternative

Hm… I built it with nodemcu 2 weeks ago and it’s working well. Use the generic image for flashing, save and reboot after every configuration steps seems to be helpful as there seems to be some persistence bug. But you should be fine with that solution.
The other bug they currently have are disconnects from the MQTT broker without any successful attemp to reconnect. Beside that it’s working.
I also asked @OttoWinter about support for this reader in esphomelib, but didn’t get feedback yet.

Is there no code to just read a value and send via mqtt so that through automation v can make it work