Re-learn OZW configuration without ex-/ in- cluding node?

I’m migrating from domoticz to Home Assistant.
Home Assistant picked up all my Z-Wave nodes from my aeotec Z-Stick. Unfortunately I forgot to merge the OZW config file for my Eurotronic Spirit Z Thermostats before the first start.
Now they all show up as “EUROtronic Unknown: type=0003, id=0001…” and are not functional. OZW is not picking up the updated files. Unfortunately I did quite a lot of configuration work for the new system already, which I do not want to loose. Thus I want to avoid setting up a plain system.
On the other hand, I don’t want to exclude and re- include the Thermostats, as I need to retain the domoticz installation until my Home Assistant config is finalized - including all necessary scripts.
Long question short:
Is there a way to re- learn the nodes without excluding? E.g. deleting a cache file? If yes, which files do I have to modify?

Thanks Dirk

There will either be a ozwcfg_xxxxx.xml or ozwcache_xxxxxx.xml file you can rename those and OpenZwave will rebuild the cache file for you.

Do this while HomeAssistant isn’t running, once renamed or deleted then fire HomeAssistant back up.

Sorry for the late response. Deleting zwcfg_xxx.xml did the trick.


Not a problem.