Hi everybody,
I am trying to play an audio file whenever a certain switch is turned on, and another file when that switch is turned of. This worked fine for a while, but suddenly it only works occasionally (less than 50% of the time); sometimes the audio will play right away, sometimes it will play randomly after the switch has been toggled, and often it will not play at all. Does anybody know how to fix this and/or how I can determine what is going on?
- id: "snd_tv_aus"
alias: "[Sound] TV Aus"
platform: state
entity_id: switch.schlafzimmer_tv
to: "off"
- service: script.sonos_play
sonos_entity: media_player.schlafzimmer_son
volume: 0.32
mytype: 'audio/mp4'
myurl: 'http://ip/local/audio/andreas/pa_ausraster_schnauze.mp3'
delay: '00:00:02'
- id: "snd_tv_an"
alias: "[Sound] TV An"
platform: state
entity_id: switch.schlafzimmer_tv
to: "on"
- service: script.sonos_play
sonos_entity: media_player.schlafzimmer_son
volume: 0.32
mytype: 'audio/mp4'
myurl: 'http://ip/local/audio/misc/20thcentury_short.mp3'
delay: '00:00:10'
The data is passed on to my script below; from what I understand, delay
is the time until the next action is preformed… so I set 2 seconds for the first automation and 10 for the second, as these are the lengths of the files. Before I had this delay, they would not play at all (probably because the action was performed but without the delay, it was ended again right away…). Is this correct? Or what is the delay? It doesn’t seem to be the time before playing the file, as -in those cases the script works correctly- both files will play right away, not after two or ten seconds.
alias: "Sonos Notify script"
- service: sonos.snapshot
entity_id: "{{ sonos_entity }}"
- service: sonos.unjoin
entity_id: "{{ sonos_entity }}"
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: "{{ sonos_entity }}"
volume_level: "{{ volume }}"
- delay: 00:00:02
- service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: "{{ sonos_entity }}"
media_content_type: "{{ mytype }}"
media_content_id: "{{ myurl }}"
- delay: "{{ delay }}"
- service: sonos.restore
entity_id: "{{ sonos_entity }}"
This is based on the sonos example tts script.
What it should do:
- save current sonos settings
- unjoin
- set volume
- play media (data passed to script from action below)
- delay (so that the audio will finish playing before restoring)
- restore previously saved sonos settings
I usually toggle the tv (which is the trigger switch for this) via Alexa; at t he beginning, Home Assistant would recognize this and play the audio file. Last night it did not play either of the files (no audio when turning on, nor when turning off). However, when I later activated my “good night” routine, which turns off the tv in case it is still on -which it wasn’t as I had turned it off before so Home Assistant shouldn’t think it was still on- it then played the file.
This doesn’t make sense to me. The tv was turned off (by Alexa), yet the audio file hadn’t been played until it had been *turned off again by that “good night” routine.
I am using the same script for my morning alarm to play an audio file. That works fine each time (except it doesn’t play the file for it’s entire duration no matter what I do). So I assume that this has something to do with the TV…
The TV is connected to the Sonos, so perhaps the script triggers slightly before my Sonos detects the TV input and therefore switches to TV instead before actually playing the file (because it detects the TV input after the script has been triggered and switches to the TV as it was the last thing it detected)? However, if this was the case, why won’t it play the turn off part, either? That script won’t start until the TV has been turned off, so the TV should not be able to interfere with that action.
I realized when I manually turn the switch from my smartphone, the script will be more likely (but not 100% reliable) to work. If I turn the tv on and the audio does play, then turn the tv off, the audio will play as well. Which is really strange. IF there was something wrong with my script, it should not play at all - but not just work some of the time.
Thank you for your help =)