Re-structure sensor value

Is there any way that I can restructure a sensor value from one format to another?
My ‘problem’ (1st world problem I know…) is that i get the date and time for my next alarm on my phone from ariela (android hass app). But the output is not in the format i would like it to be.
The current value is the following:


But i would prefer the output to be:

06:30 25-06-2019

Or maybe even just:

06:30 25-06

Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Is it doable without coding for a week without breaks :smile: ?
Or is it even possible?
Ty in advance
I appreciate your inputs


Sure. Create a Template Sensor and use this:

{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.SENSOR'))|timestamp_custom('%H:%M %d-%m') }}
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You can use a template sensor. Something like this:

 - platform: template
       friendly_name: 'My date'
       entity_id: sensor.source_sensor
       value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.source_sensor')) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M %d-%m') }}"

Awesome, thanks a lot. Worked right away