Re-use cards

Is it possible to reuse cards in the ui-lovelace.yaml file? If so, what is the syntax? For example, I’d like to reuse this glance card in two separate views.

  # Room Presence
  - type: entity-filter
    title: Rooms
    show_empty: false
      type: glance
      - kitchen
      - bedroom
      - office
      - entity: sensor.asus_flip_bt_room
        name: Chromebook
        icon: mdi:laptop-chromebook
      - entity: sensor.ibeacon_bt_room
        name: James' Keys
        icon: mdi:key-variant
      - entity: sensor.mi_band_bt_room
        name: Gym Bag
        icon: mdi:dumbbell
      - entity: sensor.miflora_a_bt_room
        name: Office
        icon: mdi:leaf
      - entity: sensor.miflora_b_bt_room
        name: Kitchen Lower Shelf
        icon: mdi:leaf
      - entity: sensor.miflora_c_bt_room
        name: Aloe
        icon: mdi:leaf
      - entity: sensor.miflora_d_bt_room
        name: Kitchen Upper Shelf
        icon: mdi:leaf
      - entity: sensor.nexus_5_bt_room
        name: Nexus 5
        icon: mdi:cellphone
      - entity: sensor.puck_bt_room
        name: Puck
        icon: mdi:radiobox-marked

Unfortunately no…you will have to define it again.

It works with whole views, though - not sure what that would be good for :wink:

ll… my tv remote media card is about 2 A4 pages long.
I’m getting to a point where it is not so nice to look for the right view in this huge file