I am looking for something like this:
Is there a way that in an automation, I can read out the settings of a lightmodule and write that to a permanent scene?
So I set some devices vis the color remote in my sleeping room, and create a trigger for hat remote that on a keypress it will read all the lamps and store that data in the scene.
So get somehow al the needed state data from the llight entity
i would think of something like this? And probably the indents are not correct it is just the idea to get started
As Magnus posted above, the only action available for that would be scene.create. Just keep in mind that the results aren’t “permanent”, they get are discarded when the integration is reloaded.
I know about snapshots. I used them and they are not good for a semi permanent solutotion where I have different ON stated White and moodcolors that I want to keep for some days.
Snapshots will not do it for me.
But then if scenes are useless in this situation, hoe do I get the setings of my light such that I can use them in a script.
So on some trigger read that setting and store that in a varialble. And in a script use that variable as a setting?
I have read plenty snapshot examples but that is not what I am looking for. I have spent days reading en testing with snapshot scenes.
I use them at the moment but quite ofthen things get messed up if the wife is pushing to fast on different on/off buttons and they get lost at power failure
it looks like scenes is not suited for me.
I will probably will need to set the colors in a light entity as I always have done with a script sofar.
alias: Woonkamer Ledstrip TV stand
- data:
brightness: 150
- 236
- 164
- 9
entity_id: light.woonkamer_ledstrip
action: light.turn_on
mode: single
Just need to find out how to get the relevant entity values for the lamp and storthoes in my global variables that I create wit VAR addon from snarkey . I already use that for other things.
And replace the numbers in above script above for brigtness and RGB_color with the Variable.
I think that would be possible and I know those variables can be set en survive restarts also