Read daily data in integration or through service?

I have a question about architectural preference.
I’m creating an Integration (for UH50 Heat Meter) that would only retrieve data (from a battery powered IR-device) daily. Polling it more frequently would cost too much battery, which can’t just be replaced.

Now I have two options:

  1. Have the integration do the polling daily at a user-specified time.
  2. Have no automatic poll and let the user do the polling through a service and automation.

What would fit best in the HA-way?

I suggest you would do it from your own preference taking that into consideration.
The user can always turn polling off and do it manually/from automation as to have their own preference.
Would probably be good to put something on docs for the integration (you write addon but I assume integration) why it’s daily or whatever you go for.

Yeah Integration, sry (and changed it).
For now I’ll go for the simplest solution (often the best): update through the Update Entity service. Additional benefit could be that from an automation it can easily be combined with further processing the data in HA.

I’ll describe this in de docs, good one.