Read float32 with modbus integration CDAB / little-endian


hopefully I’am right here for my question about the modbus integration.

I want to read an float value from my Solar Inverter with little-endian (CDAB) order. With this example below I get randomly wrong value’s:

- name: "wr01 - dc01 power" #dc01 power in w
        slave: 71
        unit_of_measurement: W
        scale: 1.0
        address: 260
        scan_interval: 1
        data_type: custom
        count: 2
        structure: '>f'
      - name: "wr01 - dc01 power alternative" #dc01 power in w #other way
        slave: 71
        unit_of_measurement: W
        scale: 1.0
        address: 260
        scan_interval: 1
        data_type: float32

Any mentions about what’s wrong here?

Try add

swap: word

Thank you!
This worked for me: