I’d like to use an internal channel of my HomeMatic dimmer actor as an automation trigger. For example, I would like long press on the wall-mounted dimmer to toggle internal channel 2. I know, how to do this. Then, i want to trigger a HA automation off this change in channel 2.
Is there a way to achieve that?
Currently, HA seems to only receive an update of the device, if channel 1 is changed. (Which is the actual output only most of the times.) Is that true?
Can I maybe read the internal channel 2 explicitly somehow?
I have my HomeMatic simmer set up in a way that one channel controls the maximum brightness and another the actual dimming level, but, like you, I only seem to get the first of the three channels in HomeAssistant
No, I finally used a homematic sender, which generates actual events when long-pressed.
But I just checked now again: I have installed the new integration in the meantime. And it generates switches for each virtual channel. They are hidden by default, but you should be able to enable them in the integration’s settings.