Read ir code on first broadlink rm mini 3 IR then send ir code trough second broadlink rm mini 3 IR to device


I wondering if it possible to read code from ir remote when I press button in one room and then send code to second ir device in another? If I use two broadlink RM mini 3 IR switches.

Interesting idea. I don’t think you can use the Broadlink device as a sensor in Home Assistant. It can pick up IR signals, but only when you call the service for learning new IR-codes.

I also think this is good idea if this is somehow possible we can make dumb ir devices more smarter:)

Lets say If I have broadlink in every room when someone press some button on some remote HA can change switch status to known switches. (for example I have ir light, I can see in HA if light is on or off).

I already do similar things with RF switches.

You can of course learn all IR commands you want. And blast them from any Broadlink device you desire. Beyond that, I’m not sure.