Read sensor data from a txt web file in lines

Hi i have a text from my weather station that is online on this url
I would like to have the sensors value recorded in home assistant to than be displayed but I have tried this

- platform: command_line
    command: python3 -c "import requests; print(requests.get('').text)"
    name: Davis_station
    scan_interval: 300

But now I don’t a way to make a graph of this datathey seams all togher and not splitted by rows, they should look like this:
Data (formato gg/mm/aaaa)
Ora (formato hh:mm)
Temperatura massima
Ora temperatura massima
Temperatura minima
Ora temperatura minima
Umidità relativa
Umidità relativa massima
Ora Umidità relativa massima
Umidità relativa minima
Ora Umidità relativa minima
Dew point
Dew point massimo
Ora dew point massimo
Dew point minimo
Ora dew point minimo
Wind chill
Wind chill minimo
Ora wind chill minimo
Heat index
Heat index massimo
Ora heat index massimo
Velocità del vento
Raffica massima del vento
Ora raffica massima del vento
Velocità media negli ultimi 10 minuti
Direzione prevalente (gradi)
Direzione prevalente (settore: ad esempio NW)
Tendenza barometrica
Pressione massima
Ora pressione massima
Pressione minima
Ora pressione minima
Precipitazioni odierne (dalla mezzanotte)
Precipitazioni ultimo evento
Precipitazioni mensili
Precipitazioni annue
Rain rate
Rain rate massimo
Ora rain rate massimo
Rain rate massimo ultima ora

Unfortunately from what I see at the website that you are using, they do not appear to offer the data in a ‘programatic / structured’ format that would be easier to work with. So, I am thinking your are going to have to continue to expand your python program some to get your data into a format that is digestible by a Home Assistant sensor. Probably the easiest of theses formats for HA is JSON. So you will read the text data as you have done, then write logic in your program to extract out the lines you want, formatting these data elements with a unique JSON key.

First, I would put your python program in a separate file within the HA directory structure, this will allow you to change the program with having to reload all of HA with each evolution of your program.

You can probably find some similar python program examples by searching within this forum or more generally on the web. Hope this makes sense, good hunting!