Read substring from mqtt value

i’m trying to create some sensors from a mqtt string.
It’s the output from NodeJBD that reads the status of my BMS of the battery.
I use python to populate the /homeassistant/sensor values.
The string (editet cause it’s long) sent from the program to mqtt is like:
I had no problems to create sensors for packV using a line as:
‘hass_config_data[“value_template”] = “{{value_json[‘packV’] }}”’
in my python code and it work perfectly.
I have problems with the temperatures.
‘hass_config_data[“value_template”] = “{{ value_json[‘tempSensorValues’] }}”’
will get a string with the 3 temperatures and the names of the sensors inside the BMS {‘NTC0’: ‘19.75’, ‘NTC1’: ‘17.35’, ‘NTC2’: ‘16.55’}.
I have tried ‘hass_config_data[“value_template”] = “{{value_json[‘NTC0’] }}”’ but it’s not working.
What i can use to create 3 temperature sensors?
Thanks to who will help me.