I’m running HA using a Pi4 and using the official image and not a docker etc.
My aim is to read the temperature of another Pi that is running MotioneyeOS, using an image and not installed viaRaspbian etc. I’m wanting to read the other Pi’s temperature, so assuming via SSH would be ideal but I can’t figure it out. Using a terminal on my PC I can log into the Pi and read the temp but I’d like to log it.
As I’m running MotioneyeOS image, I can’t install anything onto that Pi. Unless I start again and install MotioneyeOS via the Pi OS and install a script.
Thank you for the reply. I’ve had a quick look into that and found multiple ‘help’ threads. It all looks a little daunting and confusing.
It appears that I’ll need to install/create a ssh key on the Pi running MotioneyeOS? Think this may be a problem, as I believe nothing can be installed additionally, due to running the Motioneye image.
At work currently so will check tonight but any thought on that?