Reading Borough Council waste collection

There is already a github covering UK waste collections, however this scrapes the website for RBC, when they actually have an API accessible.

This integration is just a simple REST configuration for that API, rather than bringing in additional code.

  - scan_interval: 36000 # Every 10 hours is more than enough
    # Resource format is,%20POSTCODE
    # Note the escaped space before the postcode
    # Returned format is {"Collections"[array of collections]{collection details}]}
        # Add as many as you require. Iterate the collection number as needed.
        # Code setting is just to map friendly names
      - name: "First collection"
        value_template: >
            {% set codes =
                { "Domestic Waste Collection Service": "Black bin",
                "Recycling Collection Service": "Red bin",
                "Food Waste Collection Service": "Food bin",
                "Garden Waste Collection Service": "Green bin"
                } %}
            {{ codes.get(value_json['Collections'][0]['Service']) }}
      - name: "First Collection day"
        value_template: "{{ value_json['Collections'][0]['Day']}}"
      - name: "First Collection date"
        value_template: "{{ value_json['Collections'][0]['Date']}}"
      - name: "Second collection"
        value_template: >
            {% set codes =
                { "Domestic Waste Collection Service": "Black bin",
                "Recycling Collection Service": "Red bin",
                "Food Waste Collection Service": "Food bin",
                "Garden Waste Collection Service": "Green bin"
                } %}
            {{ codes.get(value_json['Collections'][1]['Service']) }}
      - name: "Second Collection day"
        value_template: "{{ value_json['Collections'][1]['Day']}}"
      - name: "Second Collection date"
        value_template: "{{ value_json['Collections'][1]['Date']}}"