how can I read the contents of a txt file into a sensor.
Try this:
- platform: command_line
command: python3 -c “import requests; print(requests.get(‘http://remote-host/sensor_data.txt’).text)”
name: File value
if I read that corectly thats reading from a remote site I need to read from a local file
It is just an example that you can adapt for your needs. It seems to me if you replace it with a path to your local file, it should work.
ERROR:homeassistant.components.sensor.command_line:Command failed: python3 -c “import requests; print(requests.get(’\Users\dauth\Dropbox\Apps\TaskAgent\store.txt’).text)”
figured it out
requests doesnt handle local files
installed requests_file with pip install requests_file
then added this to config
- platform: command_line
command: py -c “import requests; from requests_file import FileAdapter; s = requests.Session(); s.mount(‘file://’, FileAdapter()); print(s.get( ‘file:///Users/dauth/Dropbox/Apps/TaskAgent/store.txt’).text)”
name: File value
now the contents of the file now show up in the state of the sensor.
and now I will celebrate my victory by going to bed. ugh 4 am lol
If the file is local, you don’t need another package to read a file, if you want to simplify the script.
python3 -c "print(open('<FILENAME>').readlines())"
lol googled like mad last night and that never came up.
thanks will test after work