🔊 Ready to go blueprint for playing adhan / azan on media players with many optional features

I cant get the automation to work either. I have defined the media players in the script, but I keep on getting the following error msg in the trace:
Error: must contain at least one of entity_id, device_id, area_id, floor_id, label_id.

This is such a great project but as a noob iv been really struggling to get it up and running. I’ve seemed to sorted out the automation using the blueprint but now struggling in Node Red.

Please see my attached Node Red screen with debug messages.

Are the sensor updated according to how Islamic Prayer Times works today ?

When i add Islamic Prayer Times fajr is called:

While in your blueprint it is “sensor.fajr_prayer”

Can you add a debug node and connect it after the node names Prayer Times. Then send a screenshot of what it displays in debug panel. Thanks

Unfortunately no because if I update the blueprint it will break it for the other people who already use it. You can change the entity id to the correct one which you noted