🔊 Ready to go blueprint for playing adhan / azan on media players with many optional features


So, Asr didn’t play when the radio was not playing on the speaker.
when it worked for Dohr, the radio was playing. My non expert explanation is I reckon there are 2 possible reasons:

  1. the player was “duplicated” yesterday when I installed Music Assistant to listen to web radio, then I added this duplicated player in the list of media players for Athan. It could be that this “second” duplicated player was recognised
    or 2. I noticed that the player (and its music assistant duplicate), in the main dashboard is showing as off (grey), but maybe it should be showing in blue (on). When I push the on button, I hear a chime on the player (google assistant). I will leave it on, without playing anything on it, but I think it automatically goes off, and it will definitely go off next time something stops playing. I thought the automation would turn it on anyway.

In any case thanks for the help. I think for this one I don’t have the skills to sort it, so if it doesn’t work that will be it unfortunately.

I’m attaching the set-up screen. note that the 2 players are the same, but one seems created by music assistant.