Real-Time Sports Scores w/ TeamTracker and TeamTracker-Card (Beta)

First of all let me congratulate for this tool, it is fantastic. I created a tested case for a Serie A club and it worked super great!

My struggles start when I try to include also my real team (football/soccer from Serie B in Italy => Sampdoria). I tried many different combinations, but at the end I’m not getting any result.

Can someone help me to understand how to fill the “custom fields”?

Here below last try I made

These are info I gathered, but then I’m not able to get this working:
Link to Soccer page: Soccer Scores - 2024 Season - ESPN
Link to Italian Serie B: Italian Serie B News, Stats, Scores - ESPN
Sampdoria code: SAM

Let me know in advance
Ciao Stefano

After a night of sleeps and several other attempts, I was able to do this via the “manual” way.

- platform: teamtracker
  league_id: "XXX"
  team_id: "SAM"
  sport_path: "soccer"
  league_path: "ITA.2"
  name: "team_tracker_Sampdoria"

Glad you were able to figure it out.

If you use the GUI, you should put soccer in the Sport Path field and ita.2 in the League Path field.

This issue will be corrected for iPads in an upcoming HA release, however it will continue to exist for other devices classified as “legacy.”

I have made a beta version of the card (v0.14.2-beta1) available in HACS. This will make the card compatible with the legacy devices. It should also address the issue on iPads until it is fixed in an HA upcoming release.

The fix required significant changes to the card. Due to the complexity of the issue, it is possible that the problem still exists in some rare circumstance or that some existing functionality was broken.

If you have any issues with the beta, please log them in the Beta Discussion topic. If you try the beta and have issues, you can Redownload the last official version from HACS and you will be fine.

Hi @kbrown01 - I just started working with Team Tracker and TT Card about a month ago and have done a few different customized cards using button-card for my favorite teams. I am not a true coder but am usually able to make things work based on what I glean from other HA people. I love this simple dashboard you posted, and it works great! But I want to customize the cards in a few different ways and I am not sure how to approach it. I have found a few ways using Card Mod to make changes to the TT cards, and these work fine for me. I have also seen people use templates for cards with the code set up in the view, and then referenced in individual cards on the view. I actually tried using a template for the TT card in your dashboard but failed miserably :slight_smile: If you even have time to reply to this, what would your approach be if I wanted to make some changes to the cards generated in your dashboard? UPDATE: Within 5 minutes of writing this reply I found your Red Zone card-mod code. No need to reply to this unless you want to point me to more good stuff - thanks!

All the coding for the cards is contained in the decluttering templates (as is the red zone modification). I assume you found it there. In the future you should post in the Standings forum here Sports Standings and Scores - #510 by PHI34Halladay as this thread is more about teamtracker which I use part of for the overall Standings and Scores dashboard.

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I updated and it stopped working… it happened to someone… It tells me that I don’t have the teamtracker card

Try clearing your cache (app or browser) and refresh. If that doesn’t correct it, open the console and see what error messages are listed in it.

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v0.14.3-beta1 should address this issue going forward. If you have issues with the beta version, please let me know.

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Thanks for this release. v0.14.3-beta1 works well on my iPad. (0.14.2 did not work.)

Still I see only v0.14.2

By default, beta releases are not visible. If you are on the old version of HACS, you need to check the Show Beta box (or something like that) in the popup that comes up when you select Redownload.

If you are in the new version of HACS, I believe you have to go to the teamtracker-card in devices and then turn on Pre-release on the Diagnostics section.

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Anybody else having the issue that some/most College Football team trackers are in the state NOT_FOUND?

e.g.: Penn State, Ohio State, Clemson.

Others are working tho.

Wait one more day. It looks like the API is only returning games through Friday. Tomorrow it should start returning the Saturday games too.

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Is it possible to disable the external links? I don’t want my child going to ESPN.

Has anyone put together a league scorecard. All scores for current week for all teams. like this from an old magic mirror module


In the card configuration, set team_url, opponent_url, and bottom_url to the value more-info. It will disable the single-click links and enable the card attributes to be displayed on a double-click event.

Hey there @vasqued2 . I’m trying to use the service call you provided to grab LSU football and I’m getting not found. I set it up as a normal TT sensor and I am getting data. I am able to get pro sports just fine but not NCAAF .

This is the service call I am using that is not working:

action: teamtracker.call_api
  entity_id: sensor.team_tracker
  team_id: LSU
  conference_id: "8"
  league_path: NCAAF
  sport_path: football

Can you take a look when you have time and let me know if I am doing something incorrectly? Thanks again for this great extension!

league_path should be college-football

action: teamtracker.call_api
  entity_id: sensor.team_tracker
  team_id: LSU
  conference_id: "8"
  league_path: NCAAF
  sport_path: college-football

Switched over to this and still not found. I THINK I have the other attributes set correctly.