Real-Time Sports Scores w/ TeamTracker and TeamTracker-Card (Beta)

You are absolutely right. Thanks for the help, now I can move on!

I setup a PGA sensor but when I go to make the card it says sensor unavailable

  - platform: teamtracker
    league_id: PGA
    team_id: '*'
    name: PGA

Thanks for catching this.

The golf API is returning the results for the Zurich Classic, which is a team competition and the integration assumed golf was always a competition between individual athletes. That’s causing a problem.

It should start working again tomorrow when the results of the Zurich Classic age off.

I’ll have to make a change to get it to handle or ignore team competitions in the future.

I’ve just added this integration and got it on my dashboard but it appears that the TeamTracker card is overlapping the heading as if it’s in the foreground instead of background. It’s stopping the dashboard buttons from being selected, such as ‘Done’ in the example below.

Also, in this example it shows ‘No Upcoming Games’ but the team has a game on Monday so is this possibly something wrong with my configuration?

I should have said, the issue mentioned in my above post happens when scrolling the dashboard in edit mode.

The overlapping occurs on the HA companion app for iOS too, not even in edit mode. This is my normal dashboard.

Use LIV, not LIVERPOOL for the team_id.

I can’t recreate the overlap problem so it’s something specific with your setup. Theme? Cardmod? Some other global setting?

My dashboard is yaml generated. Not through the editor, as in it is generated through ui-configuration.yaml in my config folder. HA container 2023.5.2 and the latest iOS app. Just a theme that changes colors, no other theme elements. I do have some frontend mods installed for other dashboards, but they are not used at all in my yaml generated dashboard. I’ll have to list them out later since I don’t have a list readily available. I’ll also post my card config in a bit. Clearing the frontend cache in the app and force quitting then re-opening the app does not resolve it.

I just upgraded HA to the May release and can now recreate. I’ll take a look at it and see what’s going on.

Confirmed it was related to the May HA release. Should be fixed in v0.7.3

If it doesn’t fix it, try clearing cache and refreshing. Let me know if there are still issues and on what browser/app/device, etc.

0.7.3 and clearing frontend cache on the app fixed it. Thanks! I’ll have to double check the companion app for macOS and on google chrome (experienced this issue there as well) but I’m guessing it is fixed as well.


I’m trying to set up a custom API config for NRL (rugby league). I found this link below.

When I plug in the information, it returns NOT_FOUND.

  - platform: teamtracker
    league_id: 3
    team_id: BRO
    sport_path: rugby-league
    league_path:  nrl
    name: nrl_bro

Any tips to get this working?

Thank you!

league_id should be XXX
league_path should be 3

Ugh simple fix. Thank you!!

I just released v0.8.0 of both the sensor and the card.

v0.8.0 of the card is a major refactor. I tested a lot of different configurations and believe I have resolved all of the issues but please let me know if you notice any.

I also made several changes to make the card more compatible with card-mod. Details and examples on on this Wiki page.

v0.8.0 of the sensor requires valid league_id values in YAML to pass the Configuration Test prior to rebooting. Prior to v0.8.0, this was not enforced.


Hey folks. I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has contributed to this. Thanks to this integration / card, some additional contributions in this thread, and ballpark images here, I’ve been able to create light and dark versions the MLB dashboard I’ve been working toward since I started with Home Assistant.

I only really track two different teams, but here are a few screenshots, for anyone who is interested:

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Very nice! Would you be willing to share your code for your Lovelace? Thx!

With the Women’s World Cup approaching, I thought I would post instructions for adding teams to Team Tracker.
The ESPN API url is
From the interface, Settings > Integrations. Click Add Integration and choose Team Tracker. For League, choose Custom. For Team, choose the correct abbreviation from ESPN’s Women’s World Cup Scores page. Give your tracker a meaningful Friendly Name and click Submit.
A second screen is displayed, enter soccer for Sport Path and FIFA.WWC for League Path.

Note, only the first day’s games are currently in the API feed but they should appear as we get closer to the tournament.


Sure. It’s a lot, and it depends on some template sensors and input booleans, but here it is:

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I’m in love with this all-in-one solution! I’m trying to set up an input_select for the teams i follow because it changes depending on the game im watching. i have it control a siren light when the team scores. Here’s where im stuck. and i think its a template error on my part but could be wrong.

  - platform: teamtracker
      league_id: "NFL"
      team_id: "{{ states.input_select.nfl_teams1.state }}"
      name: "NFL1"

say team_id is CHI or any team. the sensor.nfl1 shows an attribute of “team_abbr: {{ STATES.INPUT_SELECT.NBA_TEAMS2.STATE }}” instead of that input_select results of CHI or any team.

can this sensor do templates like that?