Realtime camera streaming without any delay - WebRTC

I’d recommend you move this to a different thread to avoid confusion.

This topic about custom integration. Hass built-in integration has another topic. You wanted to do better, but in my opinion, you only do worse by confusing users.

I’d recommend you move this to a different thread to avoid confusion.

Well, ok, I will stop posting in this thread about WebRTC unless it is related to Alexxiit/WebRTC, for the existing posts, mainly the last one where I give a full explanation that works well for me using WebRTC I ll will move it if I find how, or I will do a copy/past in a new thread…

EDIT: @AlexxIT you are right, I did not notice the section of the thread “share your projects”

I appreciate the spirit of being helpful. i’m contributing to the confusion as well myself :slight_smile: which is why i chimed in.

@AlexxIT do you have an interest to bundle go2rtc binary into webrtc custom integration in the future?

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Well. BIG update to WebRTC Camera component. Streaming server changed from RTSPtoWebRTC project to go2rtc project.

  • All current functions are retained
  • Added a huge number of new features provided by the go2rtc project
  • The ports for external access to WebRTC have changed (read the go2rtc documentation)

This is still a beta version and can be installed via HACS. After testing, it will go into release.


I get audio for like 2 seconds and then it stops…I find that strange. Let me know if you ever found a solution.

Unfortunately, I dropped the Eufy cams and moved to Amcrest PoE; so I won’t be much help!

Smart man!
I’m not sure if you’re using RSTP + WebRTC Camera integration with the amcrest…are you? If yes, are you getting video + sound from the rtsp url?

I have go2rtc through frigate and i get audio with webrtc from my amcrest cams

WebRTC Camera v3.0 with go2rtc v1.0 inside
has been released


Thank you for the update, this is solving quite some of my issues.
I like the fact to have the custom card almost as an picture card.

However is there also an option to disable the fullscreen button?
This is now placed left, below where my camera name is displayed.

I have got two kind of Yi camera’s after updating to 3.0 my older one’'s with the adress:


do not work, while the newer ones with adress:


What could cause this? They work oké in 2.3.1

btw i have setup go2rtc in docker and got this in my log:

06:48:19.658 ERR [api.mjpeg] add consumer error="codecs not match: H264,AAC"

06:48:36.523 WRN > error="RTSP wrong input" url=rtsp://

Thanks @AlexxIT

This seems to be working way better for me than the last version although I have only watched it for a little while. Seems to be streaming smoothly with no glitching. I am using a Reolink E1 Pro. Thanks again for your hard work on this!

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same issues here …

DEBUG (webrtc) [custom_components.webrtc.utils] 09:19:35.618 WRN’ > error=“RTSP wrong input” url=rtsp://admin:[email protected]/ch0_0.h264

it was working before the latest update

ok, fixed after latest update. tks

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Hello AlexxIT,
Thanks for your great work. I managed to run your plugin quite easily and in wifi at home, it works great with almost zero latency.
I have a problem though when I switch to 4g on my phone, the video appears very slow at first and then it freezes indefinitely.
I have an https connection with duckdns to access my HA externally but I didn’t have to do anything more to see the video externally. I had understood at the beginning that it was necessary to open ports or to use a secure flow via Ngrok. So I tried to add ngrok on the tcp stream but I didn’t see any change.
(I see the RTC icon on video on phone, but when im in 4G the image freeze directly)

What can I do to reduce the external latency as much as possible? I have fiber at home and I’m surprised that it’s so slow.


I installed webrtc per the docs (basic mode) but can’t add a card to Overview. File editor confirms the files are placed under config/custom_components/webrtc but when I try to add a card I get this:

I have restarted several times. What next?

you haves to use the dedicated card : Custom:WebRTC Camera. if you dont see it clear cache.