Realtime camera streaming without any delay - WebRTC

Clearing the browser cache made the card visible. Thank you for the prompt response.

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@GaeKu how you install go2rtc?
And how you install Ngrok?
You can see RTC with 4G only with Ngrok?
What mode you can see without Ngrok?

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i install it with : Method 1. HACS > Integrations > Plus > WebRTC > Install

I test ngrok with this : GitHub - dy1io/hassio-addons: Home Assistant addons that I've created or modified.

Yes without Ngrok i can see RTC in 4G but after somes seconds, i have a fixed picture. Some times i have MP4 on iphone and MSE on Android. But in wifi no problem for RTC and no delay for the two.

How you setup tunnels? Are you sure it is TCP tunnels? Are you sure ngrok addon has access to go2rtc WebRTC port?

It seemed to work, because I had both Ngrok URLs. But I didn’t see any difference with and without its use. But if I see the image without Ngrok, does that mean I don’t need it? Or do you think it will improve anyway?

You not answering on my questions. It’s hard to help you.

Sorry my english is not perfect at all. I will send you informations soon about the ngrok configuration’s i tried. But my question is , if without ngrok i can see MP4 and sometimes RTC with my phone in 4G , is it not a proof that the video stream is getting through the duckdns/nginx HTTPS conf without me needing to open an additional path? Or do you think ngrok will improve communication anyway ?
Thank you

There is all answers on GitHub in FAQ section.
iPhone is most problematic device for real time streaming.
Without setup external access for WebRTC you will get “sometimes RTC”.

I have read your documentation, which is quite extensive, but I have not found an answer for this question. You say "But external access may require additional settings. It depends on what type of Internet do you have. So in idea if it doesn’t work at all externally I can use NAT/TURN/NGROK. But I see the image, it is frozen after a few seconds but I see it well. So if I see it, it normally means that I don’t have to touch the routing, right? I tried on an Iphone, on an Android and on a PC W11 and the result is the same, MP4 a few seconds very slow then RTC, then frozen with a change of images every 15 seconds.

I can try to use NGROK or a TURN server if you tell me that it could help, but as I have an external image I thought that the default routing of my BOX could already transmit the video.

Thanks for your time,

People without a deep knowledge of IT networks is difficult to understand that WebRTC can sometimes work without additional settings, and sometimes it may not work.

Port forwarding for public IP and tunnels from Ngrok, SSH, TURN - can provide you with stable WebRTC in almost any situation. But they can also be blocked in some corporate networks.

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I work as a software integration engineer under Linux haha, but for fun and not work I discover both Home assistant and RTC protocol at home. The whole thing is not easy to understand because we don’t always have the vision of what the plugins do behind and how everything communicates. I watched some conferences yesterday on the RTC protocol, you did a great job, thank you, I will dig by trying the different routing solutions proposed. I think by chance without config I have an image currently through https but it’s not the right solution at all. Thanks

Read about UDP hole punching, Symmetric NAT, STUN and TURN servers.


hello. @AlexxIT I’m new to this topic and I wanted to know if any of you could help me with the PTZ controls of a Tapo c200 camera on the WebRTC card. The image looks perfect but I can’t get the PTZ controls to respond to the prompts. thank you.

Which services do you call by the buttons?

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Hello @mhoogenbosch
type: custom:webrtc-camera
url: rtsp://#######:#######@192.168.#.##:554/stream1
service: script.camera_ptz
direction: button.salon_move_left
direction: button.salon_move_right
direction: button.salon_move_up
direction: button.salon_move_down

I directly call the buttons I have in the Tapo integration. In Yaml configuration I have not written anything.

This is my first time posting after having been an HA user for going on 3 years so please be gentle. I have a favor that I’m requesting for the short cut features built into the custom webrtc card. I submitted an enhancement request to AlexxIT on github with case 430 ( Shortcut Has Been Pressed Feedback Indicator · Issue #430 · AlexxIT/WebRTC · GitHub ) but AlexxIT’s focus is on the streaming side of the great addon, It would be nice if there could be feedback to the shortcut icon that shows for an example that a light is on after clicking a light icon shortcut. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks again.

hello. Is there a way that the header icons can change color when the state changes? For example, I have the motion detection icons set and I wanted them to change color when selected so that they could be seen with the naked eye if they were active or deactivated.

Can anybody tell why this is happening every minute or so when using WebRTC card.

Reolink app works fine and never do this type of stuff.

Try stream with lower resolution

Many Reolink cameras sends trash inside RTSP stream. This is a well-known problem.