Rebuilding HA

Have been running my HA Yellow for a long time now. Have been upgrading things as updates become available. I have been running into ESPHome issues and now also automations and scene issues. ESPHome sees devices as offline but I can tell they are working ok. Automations and scenes disappeared from the UI and I save new ones.
I think it might be time to start with a fresh install. Opinions. What are the best practices to do a fresh install and restore things from a backup. I would hate to go through the process and have things restored that should not be restored.

That is usually an mDNS problem. HA rebuild won’t fix that. I have the same, rebooting the esp will make it seen for a while, then after a while it seems offline again.

That often signals one of the automations/scenes is malformed. Should not be that hard to fix.

That is usually an mDNS problem. HA rebuild won’t fix that. I have the same, rebooting the esp will make it seen for a while, then after a while it seems offline again.

Interesting, I’ll look into that.

That often signals one of the automations/scenes is malformed. Should not be that hard to fix.

Hmm. I mistyped my problem earlier. I can’t get any automations or scenes to save. Trying to create new ones from the UI. My old ones disappeared. The YAML file is still the same one that I have had working for a long time.