Received sensor json values updating other sensors

I have a sensor that sends a REST (http post) json object. The important part is a state change that triggers an automation. However there are other key/value data in the json that I would like to display in badges for informational purposes.

I am considering re-sending the json as MQTT so I can use value_template sensors to display, but this adds extra steps. Is this possible to do directly?


You must be using the old rest integration. Try the new one which allows you to break out information.


Did you realize that you replied to yourself and added a link to what you replied to?

Aha thanks. I was looking at old forum posts.

However, doesn’t this integration only refer to a sensor that supports handling REST calls from HA? I’m looking to send an unsolicited POST from the sensor to HA and have HA parse the key/values inside of that POST and use those as sensors.

Also… No I didn’t realize that… infinite loop deleted!